in more important news -- New York State lgbt marriage

May 13, 2009 18:09

I am taking a break from angsting over tonight's Idol results show to ask any folks in NY state to take a second on a more important voting-related cause -- our state assembly has passed a same-sex marriage bill \o/, and now it goes to the State Senate, which is only Dem by the thinnest of razor-thin margins, with several conservative members hostile to lgbt marriage rights. The bill passed the Assembly with bipartisan support, though, so here's hoping they can get it through!

If you live in NY State, please contact your State Senator to ask them to vote for the bill. Here's a handy form that will do it for you:

And okay, not actually taking a complete break from Idol, as I will also share this awesome quote from a poster at the TWOP forums because it is that awesome:

I was just telling my girlfriend the other day that one of the things I love the most about Adam is that his flaming, yes-I'm-gay-what-of-it?, eyeliner-wearing, high-pitch-wailing self is by FAR the butchest thing this show has seen in years. The queerer he gets, the more formidable he becomes, making all the other guys look like weak, little boys in comparison. What an awesome mindfuck for America.

-- marcella @ TWOP

(actually, I have come to love Kris too & he is now totally the other half of my OTP. But I, um. kind of especially love how Adam is, er, more imposing.)

*coughs and slinks back to work (and fanfic)*

american idol, politics

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