when zombies attack, and story for me!

Jun 05, 2008 16:54

Gacked from slodwick:

You are in a mall when the zombies attack. You have:
1. one weapon.
2. one song blasting on the speakers.
3. one famous person to fight alongside you.

1. Brain shooter/flamethrower. Since the challenge allows unlimited ammo, I will distract the zombies by firing delicious brains in their direction. While they feast, I will sneak out of the mall and set fire to it, thereby ridding the world of the zombie army, a Gap, an Express, a Banana Republic, and various other chain stores.

2. OK Go, Here It Goes Again. I feel it has the appropriate spirit for the combination of pyromania and zombie warfare, and also a nice rhythmic beat for keeping up steady fire.

3. Dean Winchester, because of his glee over zombie warfare, and I feel he would also get into the mall-destruction with the right spirit. However, I would like David Cook to be back at the motel waiting for us to return, looking like this:

(click for v. large version. This is from the People article coming out this week.) I invite the rest of you to also contemplate a motel room with both Dean and DC in it. :D

Happily, I am not in a mall, and the zombie apocalypse does not appear to be happening today, so instead I can share this!

setissma has written me this absolutely gorgeous post-SPN-finale story Thunderhead, Sam/Dean, pg-13 -- just the two of them, warm and intimate and lovely.

They track time through the dull fade of the sun through the curtains, yellow orange in the afternoon, shadowed in the evening, and he has everything he needs underneath his hands.

I have still have not quite been able to face watching the finale (despite spoiling myself thoroughly), but this has definitely gotten me to edge a little further towards it, in an extremely wary sort of way.

david cook, meme, supernatural

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