Okay, people, you need to go over to the
otw_onlinecon Stories EXTREME challenge and read some of these summaries (and add more!)
The idea of the challenge is, you make up really wacky summaries of stories with bizarre combinations of pairings/fandoms/warnings etc, which we then get to use to test the archive software to make sure it can handle it. :D And also maybe someone writes one of them!
I especially ♥ this one from
Warnings: Slash, het, threesomes, overage sex, magic, bad theology, Victorian, cultish acts, human sacrifice, dubcon, OFC, possible character death. Make that probable.
Pairings: Duncan/Amanda/Merlin, Methos/Merlin, Darius/Ramirez/Merlin, Kronos/Cthulu, Kronos/Methos/Cthulu, Richie/Lancelot/Cthulu, Joe/Guinevere
It's the "bad theology" that makes it. *dies*
PS, if anyone wanted to make one up in one or more of the
fandoms I will be writing for the vote stories, that would be awesome and maybe I will actually do it. *grins*