how not to win friends and influence people

Aug 11, 2007 18:27

ETA to add, go read xanphibian's painful and eloquent post on this whole thing.

Taking a few minutes before the premieres show here at VVC to stand up and say, you know what, I am down with being pissed off at livejournal, and I am signing up despite everything else in my life to do a hell of a lot of work to try and find us ways to protect our creative work and build safe spaces for us. But you can count me out when you take your anger and start a witchhunt against some other group on livejournal.

Don't tell me how bad pro-anorexia groups are. If you didn't care about them until they became a convenient target to point at and say "But THOSE people are worse than US so you should be going after THEM instead" -- congratulations. You're worse than they are.
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