five stories meme and random happy things

Mar 09, 2007 20:42

Via laurashapiro, meta brilliance by redscharlach. *laughs and laughs*

Now that all the meta has died down, I will get my pollyanna on for a second here and say that I do believe that I have a responsibility to fandom, not as a BNF, but as a member of the community. It is not a responsibility to actively do stuff. I don't feel that I have an obligation to write or vid, or to read, to rec, to comment, to reply to comments, or to do anything at all in particular in fandom. I do all these things for fun. If what I find fun to do and have time and energy to do at any particular time isn't making people happy, fandom's attention will wander away elsewhere, and that's okay.

The responsibility is just to wear the face that I would like fandom as a whole to wear, mostly because karma works here; you get out what you put in. And what I personally want from fandom is heaps of fanfic and vids and art, and people celebrating the stuff that makes them happy and not resenting other people's happy. So that is what I try to do myself. That's all. ♥

Speaking of happy, if you are looking for some off-the-beaten-path Supernatural recs, check out ignipes's pimptastic extravaganza posts, which collected recs from many contributors of less-known stories, gen, slash, het, rps, art, and other goodness.

But first go read groaty's story about GNOMES. gnomes! gnomes gnomes gnomes. It just doesn't stop being funny. And if you liked Queen of Spades, she also has an awesomely hot Bond/OMC post-Casino Royale story, Shards, that is actually all about Bond and M. yum.

Also, here is a Houses of the Holy tag-snippet inspired by my last post:
"Dude, seriously," Sam said.

"Shut up, it's awesome," Dean said, turning up the volume on the cellphone. He groped for the flask and took another good deep swig of whiskey, hot flare down his throat. Screw Sam anyway, after this freaking day, he deserved a little magic. If it flipped Sam out, that was just a bonus.

"Why do you have to do it on my bed?" Sam said.

"It's broken on mine," Dean said.

"Fine, I'm going to sleep in yours then," Sam said.

Dean waited. Sam got down to boxers, climbed into the bed, turned off the light. "Hey," Dean said, "you might want to watch out for the sticky spot. I wiped my hand on the side there last night after I beat off."

"Goddammit, Dean!"

Dean popped another quarter into the box and smiled.

I really can't quite pick five stories of my own that I love best, other than just the five I've written most recently. I generally write a story because I want to read it right now, and no one has obligingly written it for me already, so once it is done, I have gotten the story I wanted. Also, I enjoy revising a ton, but there's always a point I reach where suddenly the story clicks over into the done setting in my head, and then it is surrounded in a warm hazy glow that protects me from seeing flaws for a while.

(Occasionally I hit this stage and one of my betas (eyes cesperanza darkly) will suddenly wave arms at me wildly and say wait, wait, you are NOT done, and I am forced to concede that they are right. And oh, the whining when that happens, you cannot believe, because I feel like I'm being dragged back from the finish line with a hook, and I hate it with a fiery passion. This happened with Oblivious, and made the story much much better, but I am still tearing hair out at the memory.)

Anyway -- that said, I do have a top-five currently linked up at the top of my fanfic page, which has become a top six because I couldn't make myself take down any of them to add Queen of Spades, so those are the ones that I in some sense consider putting my best foot forward. But that's not really what the meme is about, so here instead are the five six most wacky stories I have written.

Swords At Sunset: The Duke's Reward (HL, Duncan/Methos)
This harlequin story is notable mostly because it was written before I had encountered the idea of deliberate crackfic, so I'm really not sure where I got the idea to just blithely start writing as if arranged gay marriage was just an ordinary part of life in the Elizabethan era.

Deep As You Go (HP, Harry/Draco)
I still don't know where this came from, as I am pretty fluffy in the ordinary scheme of things. o_o

The Maiden Voyage of the Tiresias (Sherlock Holmes, Holmes/Watson)
It's really just about impossible to write a slash story in the Watsonian voice of the novels, much less an explicit one. In fact, I don't think I quite pulled this off, but it gets on the list for trying.

Physic (Master & Commander, Aubrey/Maturin)
Deeply wrong yet barely departs from canonical events! *hides*

Mostly Harmless (SGA, McKay/Sheppard)
Fluffy happy tentacle porn. These aliens were partly inspired by the "yep yep" monsters I still remember from Sesame Street, from this sketch where they hovered near the phone trying to figure out what it was and when it rang they were all AGHAST! and edged away, and then they crept back and went "BRRRRRRING! BRRRRRING! phone! phone! yep yep yep yep yep" and it all ended happily. ...yeah, was that TMI?

ETA: The monsters are on YouTube!

SGA Runners-up: Under the Sea, How To Succeed In Sex Slavery Without Really Trying, Feeding Frenzy. I wrote a lot of wacky in SGA. The mail-order bride story doesn't even make it on the list.

Bad Blood (SPN, Sam/Dean)
Dean attempts to fuck a horse. \o/

(Okay, I'm deliberately leaving off the actively scary old ST:TNG stories. That's a different kind of wacky altogether.)

meta, fanfic, supernatural

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