New layout: modified refried paper

Jan 23, 2007 10:56

I've modified the Refried Paper S2 layout, and thought I would share it in case anyone would like to use it also. You can see what it looks like at my journal, with the colors and a customized title banner added. It's pretty much the same look as refried paper, and just fixes a few omissions I found annoying about the style.

The changes )


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neery January 23 2007, 17:48:49 UTC
I don't know a thing about coding, but resizing pictures is usually really easy - so if it turns out that the pic does have to be the same size, I'd be happy to resize it for you!


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neery January 23 2007, 18:03:52 UTC
Maybe a bunch of icons in a row? That should be about the right size, I think. Or maybe just a smaller picture with a black or white (or whatever) border?


astolat January 23 2007, 20:37:10 UTC
The default doesn't actually have a title banner image at all -- and in fact, the "astolat's livejournal" on my own image is not part of the image -- you don't want to put text into the image, because it's generated by whatever the title of the page you are reading is, so eg, if I am on my friends page, it says "reading material" instead of "astolat's livejournal". If you installed the style, by default it would just say whatever you have titled your lj, against a solid color background.

And yes, you can put in an image of whatever size you want as the banner. On the Images tab, you can specify the height of the title bar to fit and whether the image should be repeated. (The width of the page is determined by however wide the user reading the page chooses to make their browser; if you expand past the width of the image and don't choose to repeat, past the end of the image they will just see the background you have set.


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