Quick poll on readability issues

Jan 08, 2006 20:43

Okay, so I have been fighting with the new website a bit, and so far I have only been able to get one of two things to work for the individual stories, either centering or variable width. That is -- originally I wanted to make it so that the text would have a maximum width so it wouldn't go sprawling all across the browser, but I wanted to leave it possible for anyone who wanted an even *narrower* block of text to get that.

And now I've been trying to make that block of text centered. Except I can't seem to make it work with the variable width option -- to center it, I have to specify a fixed width. Which means anyone who would like to read narrower will be out of luck.

So I figure I will decide which one to go for with the rational help of a poll. *g*

Poll Website design


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