Year in Review 2005

Jan 07, 2006 18:22

Well, so now that I have my shiny website all done, I can actually tally up and do the Year in Review meme.

Total tally: 182,472 words in 31 stories. 25 SGA, 2 House, and one apiece in Coldfire, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Batman Begins, and Lawrence of Arabia.


Um, yeah. So, rather than putting the whole list in here, I will just link to the aforementioned shiny website, sorted by date.

My favorite story this year: This is a tie between Beautiful Lifetime Event and No Refunds or Exchanges.

My best story this year: Overall, I'd say Time in a Bottle, although for plot, Transcendental.

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion: None, seriously. I feel almost guilty the amount of love my stories have gotten. ♥ you all. :-)

Most fun story: Oblivious.

Most sexy story: There are some that are all about sex or kink, really, a bunch of the ones I did for various sga_flashfic challenges, but then on the other hand I feel like the sex scenes in BLE and Oblivious and Transcendental have more of an emotional payoff, and which is more sexy at any given moment is more about what you're in the mood for. Maybe I'll just say Feeding Frenzy; the concept of them all just orgiastically indulging in one another provides that convenient master-kink effect -- ie, any kink or pairing I didn't hit in the story itself, I can totally imagine happening off screen.

Story with single sexiest moment: the first kiss in front of the televisions in A Beautiful Lifetime Event.

Hardest story to write: Like Water, Like Wind, the Yuletide story. Hey, it's why it's called a challenge.

"Holy crap, that's *wrong*, even for you" story: I don't know if I can choose between the friendly puffball tentacle monster pron and the fisting. *slinks away*

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters: Every story changes the way I see them, in that I'm usually trying to play with some different interpretation, so I'm actually going to go with the vid Zebra for this -- I did this one for aerye, and doing it basically made Ray Kowalski come alive for me in my own head in a way he never had before, largely thanks to the note-perfect song from kaneko.

Biggest disappointment: I can't say I'm actually disappointed with any of them this year. Not in the sense that I don't think they could be improved, but rather that I feel like the stories are doing what I want them to do these days, and I am just hoping the trend continues. If pushed, though I'd never call the story itself a disappointment, I will say that in hindsight, I do think I could have made Transcendental work for a bunch of the people it didn't work for, and in a way that wouldn't have broken what was fun and exciting about it for me and the people that liked it.

Actually, to digress -- this is pretty much the definition of the way in which I personally do write for an audience. I have to write for myself first, because unless it hits for me, it's not getting written, but that aside, I do actively try to make a story expand to work for the biggest number of people who could be on board with the essence of the story and my fundamental style. I really feel that a story gets inherently better when you find ways to make it work for the most people, not just in the sense that you get more readers and more fb, but that fixing the parts that aren't working, even if only for a handful of readers, makes the whole thing better for everyone.

Biggest surprise: I wrote 25 freaking stories in *one fandom*! Speaking of Transcendental, I recall that I was deeply anxious that I was going to fall out of love with SGA before I got it finished, and end up with this humongous half-finished story on my hands, which yes, funny now, ha ha! but given my past track record did not seem so unlikely a fear at the time.

Okay, and that done, here are some recs, too!

Close Encounters, amireal
John fails to see things coming yet again. I so love Rodney in this, struggling to maintain his dignity and friendship with John despite his own inconvenient honesty. *g*

de profundis - up from the depths, agentotter (post Grace Under Pressure, spoilers)
agentotter has been cranking out lots of gorgeous Rodney/Sam lately, which is a pairing that totally works for me despite my usual OTPness, although okay, I confess that in my own head, this particular story is actually Rodney/John and Rodney & Sam friendship, even though Rodney and John don't know it yet, and what happens afterwards is Rodney chases Sam and chases Sam, to John's deep and abiding amusement, until he accidentally catches John instead, probably by kissing him randomly some night off, much to their mutual surprise, and then they end up lying naked in bed together staring at the ceiling and John says, "Huh." Um. But that is just me.

Plus some links from the badfic challenge, my favorites of which are divided between the hysterically cracked-out badfic impressions and the ones where people took the badfic summary and made it real. *g*

First, slodwick wins the whole challenge either way, omg: (click on the picture)

Then here's badfic raised to the ultimate power:

Everybody's Fool, z_rayne
Except the links are not working! :'(

You're Still The One, devildoll
She took my summary and *also* made it songfic. As wrong as wrong can be.

And a couple given the Pinocchio treatment:

An Aesthetic Solitary Thing, eliade
"Wow," he said, in his usual stoned, post-sex kind of way, which had made one or two old girlfriends press him for more articulate details. Rodney, though, just fluffed up his wings and looked satisfied.

Mixing Memory and Desire, trinityofone
“So,” he said. “Does that satisfy you?” Death by puppies, reminded his eyes.

vids, fanfic, year in review

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