Gaius' Dance!Party Mix CD

Dec 29, 2009 09:39

I actually sort of suck and didn't have the time or internet availability to complete my assigned Secret Santa for the merlin_santa community. But! tearcreek filled my request, so, we got Gaius out of it! :D:DDDD

Title: Gaius' Dance!Party Mix CD
Character/Pairing: Gaius, Merlin, Anhora, Geoffrey
Number of songs: Twelve
File format: .zip
Warnings & notes: It's cracky. Brain bleach may be needed. Sorry, but there was no other way around it. Contains fic, header below:
Rating: PG for Gaius' bum wiggling.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be.
Summary: Gaius put the earbuds of his iPod into his ears and started breaking pots, breaking dishes, breaking DOOOOOOOOOOOOWN. And started singing.


There you go. Keep the Gaius on strong, guys. See ya.

gaius loves graphics

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