(no subject)

Sep 28, 2006 01:12

Survey stolen from nuriko_chan

Look at your LJ userpics list. If you have fewer than 50 icons, pick every fifth one. If you have between fifty and seventy-five icons, pick every seventh one. If you have over seventy-five icons, pick every tenth one. If you have fewer than twenty, pick all of 'em. List them on your LJ, and tell everyone exactly why you have it, why it's interesting to you, what significance does it have.

I'm tempted to upload a bunch of old icons and talk about them, but this post is turning out boring enough already.

Yuri Norstein - Tale of Tales.

This is one of the best animated films ever made and I love the little minotaur.

Dinosaur Comics.

I also wanted to make one from "And then we had dinosaur sex!" but I couldn't fit the speech bubble and text into 100x100 legibly.

Bandai diecast metal Gundam robot toy.

This one sucks, actually. I need a better Gundam icon, and/or a better chogokin icon.

original by me.

What the hell, apparantly I opened a time capsule from sixteen-year-old me and it told me to make that. I have no idea.

original by me.

HE JUST DOES, OKAY? this is from after I had been dressed as Snake from Metal Gear Solid 3 at a convention and people liked it. I was surprised how much people liked this icon, actually.

Guilty Gear XX.

This is what is on the screen when I-No does Megalomania. I love this graphic so much, and it's applicable to pretty much everything on the internet.

Family Guy.

I downloaded this entire episode just so I could get a screencap of Chris in that one scene; I couldn't find a cap of it on the web. I identify so much with this sentiment of ceasing to muddle through a situation, to just throw up your hands in despair and quit. The delivery of the line is also great.

AP, Reuters, Corbis? I dunno.

I never use this. Wtf. I guess I made it just because I found a photo of a sad panda?

designer unknown, redrawn by me.

This is printed on cheap plastic bags I get at stores sometimes. How great is that graphic? What is it even supposed to be? A big happy orange, maybe?

Kimigabuchi - "Azumanga Drifting Classroom" doujinshi.

I don't know who translated these scans. But I do know the circle who produced it, and they get credit for this bit, which is absolutely perfect for Osaka.

Charles Schulz - Peanuts.

Does this really require explanation? <3 Marcie.

original by me.

I actually sort of have a desire to not explain this one. I feel like you see it, or you don't.


I love this game so much that, unable to take screencaps, I had to snap photos of the TV screen.

Katsuhiro Otomo - Akira.

Yamagata is the fucking man. Then he goes down like a punk, and it is sad. YAMAGATAAAAAAAAAAAAAA--

Toy Story.

This one is old, but I just uploaded it to show someone. Why doesn't anyone write dirty fanfic about the Potatoheads?

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