posting a legendary fail

Sep 07, 2006 05:53

So it's six in the morning and of all the godawful things I could be doing, I'm posting to let you know that I'm back to reading other people's Livejournals and posting in my own. I just read through my friends page as far back as it would display, and with new filters set up I should be able to actually keep up with all of you (to a certain degree; the filters are designed so that I can easily leave out people who I don't know as well).

Man. Two days ago I stayed up all night to put all my portfolio pieces back online - this time I don't even know what I did for the last five hours. Oh well, I'll be back later today hopefully with less failureism, and sometime soon I'll have a regular blog on my website that I guess I can make an LJ feed for.

Also um oh man a lot of stuff has really been not mentioned in this journal but whatever, pretty much the important stuff is that I'm living uptown now and I already posted about that, so... uh... anyone want to hang out?
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