Request / Monthly Challenge Line

Jan 08, 2006 23:47

In an attempt to spread more of our favorite obscure lovers and increase the interaction of our members, this was created. I saw the nice bit of feedback when I asked for fic suggestions, and I thought, why not have it community wide?

The posting is give and take challenges and request. Basically, as long as they adhere to the posting rules of the community, go crazy. Please.

You may:

- Post a request
- Pick up a request to make and post
- Pick, write, post as many requests as you wish

You may not:

- Request crack pairings or commons

Request format (example):

In any spot where you’re unsure or don’t care, just type “Any”. [Example- Rating: Any]

Pairing: Hollow Ichigo x Byakuya <-- The Lovebirds XD
Rating: R <-- how high the you can stand / how much the taker must write [G to NC-17 allowed]
Genre: Drama/Comedy <-- Fic Type - [action/adventure, drama, angst, romance, comedy, general, tragedy, etc.] one or more is allowed
Theme: Yaoi, Lemon, Mpreg <-- Pick your poison; use short and simple keywords of some elements you wanna see throughout. [Example- AU, Fluff, BDSM, Yuri] Go wild, get creative.
IC, OOC, Don’t care?: IC <-- in or out of character? Or whatever?
Spoilerific?: Sure, why not <-- you care if it spoils the manga and/or anime?
Last words? … <-- Anything else you wanna add? Leave it blank or ramble a bit (but keep it short though XD)

To make it easy, just copy and paste the text below, fill it out, and post as a comment.

IC, OOC, Don’t care?:
Last Words?:

*Remember, some request make take longer than others so patience is appreciated. ^-^*

Rules for Taking Requests

Okey, you finally decided you wanna make someone’s day and write their request.


Pick the application and comment a reply to it saying you want to write it. If someone has commented already, that’s fine. You can post and say you want to write it too. Everyone is different after all.

When writing, you MUST write to the requester’s application. They want it smutty, write it smutty. They want romance, make it some good lovin’!

Once it’s done, post it with a LJ cut it (I don’t care if you Fake cut it XD) as a new post in the community with the Subject as “Request Line Reply”.


Alright, you want to do your own thing, but need an idea. Also, random theme challenges will be post monthly for everyone to pick at if they wish. This month’s theme:

March: New

Write any pairing, genre, rating to this month’s theme. You can interpret the theme in any way you want.

There are no rules to the challenge and you don’t have to do it. Past challenges are still allowed even if the month has already passed. This is simply to spark ideas. However, if you use the theme, plz say so if when you post it… only cuz I wanna read it! XD

Past Challenge Themes:
January: Five Minutes of Heaven
February: Lessons

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