Fic Dumpage

Jan 16, 2006 01:57

I've been busy...and lazy about posting. x.x

Ikkaku x Nemu Stuff

Title: Borrow the Moonlight
Pairing: Ikkaku x Nemu
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Explicit content and swearing.
Summary: Nemu visits Ikkaku in the middle of the night. I swear, one day I'll do Pr0n with Plot ^^;;
For idiosyn because I swore I'd write this I don't know how long ago...; using the theme "Borrow the Moonlight" from ikkanemu
( tie me up... )

Title: Watching Ikkaku's Stuff
Pairing: mention of Ikkaku x Nemu
Rating: PG-13 for language.
Warning: Spoilers for the current manga arc.
Summary: Iba and Hisagi are watching out for Ikkaku's stuff while he's gone.
For idiosyn, 'cause thuggy love is crispy on the outside and warm gooey in the middle.
( You know that Ikkaku'll be pissed. )

Pairing: Madarame Ikkaku x Kurotsuchi Nemu
Theme Set: Alpha
Rating: R
Warning: Spoilers for up to the current chapters.
Written for 1sentence
( Comfort, Kiss, Soft, Pain,... )

Tousen x Unohana stuff

Title: Best Way to End a Day
Pairing: Tousen x Unohana
Rating: PG?
Warning: Takes place in deathonly-verse at the end of arc 7 and before the start of arc 8
Summary: Unohana tries to figure out if Tousen is a spy or a traitor.
( If he was a spy... )

Pairing: Tousen Kaname x Unohana Retsu
Theme Set: Epsilon
Rating: R
Warning: Spoilers for up to the current chapters.
( Motion, Cool, Young, Last,... )

Request Drabbles

Title: Highlighting
Rating: G
Summary: Renji has to turn in a report to Tousen. And he decides to be helpful.
For miss_ayachan in response to her request: Tousen x Renji + highlighter. Chosen randomly after drawing requests from the Haru hat. Yes. Ph34r my randomness.
( ...though I modified it a bit. )

Disclaimer: I am not Kubo Tite, thus I do not own Bleach. I do not own these characters. I am only borrowing them for my own perverse enjoyment.

[x-posted at 1sentence, ikkanemu, and kurosaki_clinic
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