Sick leave

Dec 28, 2005 11:06

That's what I am on, for the rest of the week. On Saturday I got a sore throat and developed one of my lovely bronchial coughs that leave my chest hurting and me all drained. My voice is so scratchy that talking on the phone all day was no option. So now I am taking penicillin and won't go back to work til Monday. Go me. Or something.

I stopped my ray treatment over the holidays, and restarted it yesterday, now my face and my neck are all burned again. I can't win.

Hm, what else. The landlord sent someone about the wet wall yesterday. Turns out that our upstairs neighbor had a broken bathtub drain which seeped through and completely flooded our wall. They never knew. Their tub was fixed yesterday, and as soon as the wall is dry (I reckon that will take weeks), they'll send a painter. Fun fun.


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