Not really important enough for CFO

Jun 26, 2008 09:17

I have been remarkably scarce the past week or so, and have dropped a number of threads. I apologize for this -- nothing's wrong, I've just been horribly, horribly distracted by... A LOT of things, most of them of the not-sucky variety (which, hey, is a pleasant change!). I've been very flighty lately, and that's annoying to me (and people who have to deal with me). So while I don't want to call a hiatus, I think a not!hiatus for the next week or so (actually, possibly longer than a week, as my husband is taking a week's vacation in just over a week anyone who actually followed that logic train gets a cookie) may be in order while I try and organize my head a little better.  I'll still be AROUND,  just not around as MUCH, and if you want Asta, Belle, or Meg for any reason (Kon, we talked about cabin hijinks at some point, did we not?), just drop me an email or ping me on gtalk or whatever.  If there are old threads I've dropped and you want to continue them, KICK ME IN THE HEAD PLEASE.

not!hiatus, ooc

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