(no subject)

Nov 15, 2008 02:33


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Contact Information

Name: Pixie
E-mail: xelhaspixiestix@gmail.com
Instant Messengers: AIM: corruptmysaint
Time Zone/Location: Pennsylvania - EST
Availability: Mon and Wed, 8 AM - 11 AM, then 2 PM until 2 AM or thereabouts. Everything else, I'm on just about all the time.


Position In Bed: Switch
Orientation: Yaoi and Het; I'm okay with PG-13 Yuri, but I've never had a set of characters who had the passion to go further. Does that make any sense?


Level of Experience: Been RPing online for at least five years, usually prefer novel style, tend to RP every time I'm online.

Preferred Platform: I prefer AIM to Email or Journal, but am willing to do just about anything fr an interesting concept.

RP Type: Character Oriented.

Plot Duration: Tend toward long term, constantly being added to.

Planning: I like to plan out a little of the RP; maybe the main plot point, why the characters have something in common (if they do), the main villain or why they end up meeting each other. I don't like to have every possible twist and turn planned out beforehand; I don't even like my partner to tell me what twists or wrenches they want to throw into things. If you tell me, why bother playing it?

Post Length: No shorter than one (good sized) sentence, no longer than two IM boxes-- and if it's more than one IM box, do it rarely, please.

Point of View: Third Person/Omniscient only.
Tense: Past or present.
Style: Novel.

Strengths: Incredibly crazy plot twists coming out of left field. Characters real enough to feel emotion for. Craziness.
Weaknesses: Impatient. Cranky about godmoding.

Peeves and Other Nitpicky Things

Grammar: A few mistakes are fine.
Spelling: A few mistakes are fine.
Getting Out Of Tense: Doesn't bother me unless I'm not so into it.
Things You Hate In RP: Characters who don't fit the setting or are described as perfect, who have one flaw that isn't actually a flaw or aren't thought out well enough.
Things You Love In RP: Being surprised by a plot twist. Characters who have problems and don't just magic them away with twu luv.
Warnings: I will always ask for RP. If I don't like something, I'll say it, sometimes loudly. Sometimes I switch tenses when I'm distracted, and if a plot is moving too slowly, I'll toss a problem in to make it more interesting.

RP/Writing Sample

[20:04] Not Me: "How about we dance in a few more circles, and maybe after the third or fourth turn, you'll tell me what the hell you're talking about?" Still not pissy. Reese shruggeda t him.
[20:06] Me: He smiled. "No. We're dancing later, not now. I think I might be able to fuel you, if you ever needed it. Not sure if it could be done at a distance, but it's a thought."
[20:08] Not Me: "I don't really need it..." He managed just fine on his own. He tipped his head, though, shrugging, and he'd entertain the idea. Just in case.
[20:10] Me: "I think I said if you ever needed it. Not that you do. Part of your charm is the fact that you are completely capable of taking care of yourself." Sol shrugged.
[20:12] Not Me: Sol got an amused noise, as Reese polished off the wine and settled it gently down in front of Sol. "We can play with it, if you want."
[20:13] Me: "If you want. I gain power either way." He paid for dinner without so much as waiting for the bill. "Are you coming dancing with me, or am I going on my own?"
[20:14] Not Me: "Dancing where?" Reese licked his lips, considered the glass, pushing himself up to stand.
[20:16] Me: "Some club." He slid up, tucking his hands into his pockets and leading the way out comfortably.
[20:18] Not Me: Reese dragged his coat on again as they stepped outside, sleeves pulled up just a touch to show bandaged skin..."...how long? How far?"
[20:20] Me: "As long as you want. Close enough, if you're tired of walking." Sol cocked his head.
[20:24] Not Me: "You'd go without me?" That sounded like a trick question, almost. Reese shrugged his coat into place.
[20:29] Me: Almost. "I never enjoy myself half as much in anything when you're not there."
[20:32] Not Me: "How sweet." Reese wasn't splitting off -- so maybe that was agreement to come along. He watched Sol out of the corner of his eye.
[20:33] Me: Sol didn't watch him. Hands in his pockets, he looked about as close to pleased or content as he ever did. He was humming something.
[20:34] Not Me: "...I have some time." Which was agreement, definitely. He shifted, almost settling his shoulder against Sol's.
[20:40] Me: He made their steps perfectly even, just listening to Reese. The humming was an old Dean Martin song; Sway, because Sol just felt like dancing.
[20:42] Not Me: A brush of hand against hand, brief enough to seem accidental, perhaps. "Everything alright?"
[20:43] Me: "Mmhm." He smiled--slow and surprisingly sweet, not his usual smile. "I'm happy. Is that unusual?"
[20:44] Not Me: "You're up and down. Not that unusual." Halfway suspicious of it. Reese considered him, fingers rifling through a pocket.
[20:46] Me: Sol blinked at him. "I'm curious about you. I'm always curious about you. I just never ask." He caught Reese's hand in his, kissed his knuckles, and used it to keep them together.
[20:47] Not Me: Didn't pull away, at least, even if he was still poking through his pockets with the other hand. "You can ask. Might not answer, but you can ask.."
[20:50] Me: He shrugged. "I usually just don't ask." He was more sure footed than normal; there was a rhythm or a music or a something to all of him, like a third dimension to a photograph.
[20:51] Not Me: "...did you eat something?" Reese shrugged, just a little, watching him in a puzzled sort of way.
[20:52] Me: He turned too-bright eyes on Reese and grinned. "No." He stopped for a half moment to kiss Reese--just because--and then pulled him toward an alley. "This is taking too long."
[20:53] Not Me: "...drugs?" Mumbly, though, because -- really, he didn't mind that so much.
[20:55] Me: He laughed, curling fingers into Reese's coat to kiss him again. "No. Music. Drums. Bass. Kiss me."
[20:55] Not Me: He could have that, anyway; Reese dragging in a step closer and giving up, leaning up for a rough sort of kiss. Maybe Sol'd explain later.


Anime/Manga: Eerie Queerie, FAKE, Full Metal Alchemist, GTO, Gundam Wing, Hellsing, Pokemon, Ronin Warriors, Sailor Moon, Saiyuki, Slayers, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, Until the Full Moon, Wild Adapter, Wish, xxxHolic, Yellow, YuGiOh
Books: Altered Carbon, American Gods, Anita Blake, Merry Gentry, Bedlam's Bard, Discworld, Dragonlance, Fairytales, Good Omens, Harry Potter, Heralds of Valdemar, His Dark Materials, Keys to the Kingdom, Lord of the Rings, Neverwhere, Serrated Edge, Talisman / Black House, The Blending / The Blending Enthroned
Celeb/Jrock: N/A
Games: Dungeons and Dragons, Golden Sun, Vampire: The Masquerade
Movies: Serenity, Labyrinth, Rent
Television: Firefly, House MD

[All Fandoms]

Canon: I prefer to play in the settings of any of the fandoms listed above. I dislike playing canon characters against any kind of original character, because it seems to feel too much like writing fanfiction than like RPing. I'm willing to do AU, or pre-story, with certain characters. I like ideas-- if you have one, please feel free to prod me with it.
Reference: I am flexible on versions of things. Just tell me which version you want, and we can go from there.
Pairings You Play/Love: I love all pairings!
Plotlines: N/A
Other: N/A

Original Characters

Character Journal: N/A

Example Character 1: Dr. Ray Saijirou is 6'1", 57, a Ph.D., former high school teacher, college professor, and ex-government Code Breaker. He is self assured, confident, and charming-- sort of a cross between an aging James Bond and the hottest teacher you ever had, with a sense of humor that involves fireworks and coffee.

Example Character 2: Lysander 'Call me Sam or I'll break your fingers' Gunter is a private detective, former police detective. He pissed off the wrong people, turned the wrong corner, and now he's halfway across time dealing with things he's never heard of. He never misses a shot, doesn't understand monogamy, and has a tendency toward getting people he cares about killed in gruesome ways.

Example Character 3 Kristy, one name like Cher or Madonna, is 5'3" in flats and dresses like fashion stopped in the nineteen fifties at pencil skirts. She runs a strip club on a dingy street in a dingy city, but the place is as much sanctuary as it is club. She and her people have their own secrets.

Age: I play characters between the ages of seventeen and sixty something; younger and older, and I prefer no sex, though there can be romance.
Personality: I-- run the gamut from anti-hero to outsider. Ask for something and I can likely develop it; I tend to make new characters or tailor archetypes for each storyline. I like messing with mental illnesses, with phobias, with dissociative identity disorder, schizophrenia, drug addicts, and alcoholics. I don't think there's anything I don't like, except when it's not researched well enough, or when it's rubbed in your face with every post.
Appearance: I prefer characters with longish hair; I'm slowly beginning to enjoy changes, but if I'm playing with a character who's handicapped, I try to be careful and research it. I prefer the same. I don't mind playing against characters with missing limbs, lost senses, etc., and I'm willing to experiment with my own characters.
Social Classes: I adore messing with social classes. I've played everything from priests, ex-cops, teachers, bums, drug addicts, prostitutes, dads, moms, aristocrats-- I love playing with power dynamics, especially if there's a class difference between two characters.

Character Types You Love: Characters with flaws, characters with facial hair, characters with deep seated phobias that won't go away and impact them, characters who are manipulative, characters who will do anything to get their way, masculine characters who are actually men, feminine male characters who are not 'chicks with dicks'.
Character Types You Hate: Incarnations of the writer, characters who fall into TRU LUV at the drop of a hat, characters who are perfect (though even this could be interesting.)
Other Characters: I am willing to play multiple characters; the highest I can do reliably is probably three at once.

Supernatural Creatures

Anthropomorphics/Nekos/etc.: I prefer not.
Angels: Angels can appear human, usually have wings but can hide them, are evil or not as they choose, work for a deity or not, alone or in groups, as depends on the RP in question.
Demons: See Angels.
Elves: Daoine Sidhe are the elves I play; allergies to iron, salt, and certain herbs, also (sometimes) caffeine. They are stronger than humans, except when hit by things made of iron / steel, heal faster, live ridiculously long, and do not have pointed ears. They sometimes have magic, or are elementally affiliated, and tend to have issues with modern technology.
Incubi/Succubi: Dependent upon the RP! They can usually change face and feature, though.
Vampires: I usually play WoD vampires; tend toward pallor before feeding, fangs do not retract, their bite induces good feelings and their saliva has anticoagulants. Blood-borne diseases make them sick and can be transmitted through bites. The bite --and feeding-- tend to be sensual, if not outright sexual. Without blood pressure, vampires can't have sex. They do not sparkle. They cannot go out into the sun. Fire startles them, and once set alight, they burn fast. Holy objects only work if you believe in them. Silver burns.
Werewolves: Werewolves are forced to change once a month, but can change at other times, too. They eat a lot, tend to be volatile in their emotions, are stronger than normal in human form and have enhanced senses. They turn into wolves on steroids, do not have half-shapes, and they are contagious only as animals. Silver doesn't bother them.
Ghosts: Ghosts have feet. They don't age. Only powerful ones can manifest themselves, move things, or otherwise affect their environment. The more powerful the ghost, the more weight can be moved; power is dependent upon what the ghost was in life, age, wisdom, and a variety of other things like whether or not the death was violent.
Other: There are too many different things that I play for me to be able to write them all out with a description. Suffice to say that I play a lot of different creature-types, am always open to suggestion, and if you ever have questions, I love answering things and coming up with ideas and abilities.

Common Motifs

Business/Corporation: Sometimes there's blackmail, sometimes sexual harassment; it depends if the boss is a bad man or a good man, honorable or not. There will usually be mind-fuckery of some type or another, because it's a lot of fun.
Death: Death is the debt that all men pay! Everyone can die! What fun are gambling debts and blackmailers if they can't kill your character or your character's pets?!
Gangs: If there are gangs, they engage in illegal activities as a matter of course. Drugs, sex, violence, death, and bribery of law enforcement is involved. I play gangs in fantasy, non-fantasy, future, or modern settings. They can go mafia or street style. There can be symbols or tattoos, etc. Sometimes there is gang warfare, because there are always multiple gangs. They usually run like little fiefdoms; sometimes there are alliances, sometimes there's war, it all depends.
Incest: Acceptable, as long as it's not underage.
Prison: Don't drop the soap is a good idea. Rape is usually used to bring someone's attitude down a notch. There is definitely a pecking order. Certain guys, if they don't have anything else to offer, are made into prison bitches, but being a prison bitch comes with certain levels of protection. Yes, sex can be traded for items like cigarettes or for services like protection. There's a middling amount of fighting, and living arrangements are usually harsh. Prison can be uncomfortable, but at least there are three square meals a day and plumbing.
Religious Stuff: Yes. Pick your religion, I'll play priests of it. I love loss of religion in a Believer. I like playing fallen deities from any polytheistic religion, demi-gods of any sort. Depending on whether it's fantasy or modern-fantasy, yes, a real priest can have special powers. In a pure-fantasy or utopian RP, they might have higher social status, because they'd likely be more educated.
Teacher/Student: Yes. But please god, make it interesting.

Magic/ Abilities

General Magic

Who: Anyone with the ability can do magic, but there are some kinds of ritual magic that can be done by anyone. Magic can be done alone or in a group, but some magic requires groups. People who practice magic have the same range of opinion as anyone else does.
What: It depends on the flavor of magic used; religious magic might require moral issues, but natural ability might not. Natural ability might make people stronger and better able to heal, but religious magic might require too much study for people to be very healthy in the doing.
Where: Religious magic might work better on sanctified ground, and not as well on unsanctified ground. Natural ability is only affected by the mental status of the user.
When: With religious magic, there are certain times that will be better, depending on whether the religion is on a solar calendar or a lunar one. Natural magic is only affected by what the user thinks.
Why: Magic is used because people have magic. Magic is generally practiced because people have it; the people who use magic are as varied as the people who don't.
How: [How often is magic practiced/used in the society/individually? How is magic used? Spells, potions, harvesting inner energy? How often can it be used (daily basis) individually/socially? How long can magic be practiced (a lifetime)? How long does it take characters to recover after using an excess of magic? How it magic used/is there any paraphernalia (ex. wands, their hands, their minds, staffs, objects like necklaces, drawings on the ground)? Are there any rituals involved to strengthen magic abilities or create magic ability? Is there anything religious involved (dancing, the use of crosses, etc.)? How does magic impact the society that uses it (is there a magic reliance on it, class difference)?]
Limitations: [To what extent is magic effective? (Do those who practice magic have the ability to move objects, but they can't kill people or make others fall in love? Do those that practice fire magic make sparks with minimal effort or burn down villages with minimal effort?)]

Magic Specifics

[For ideas for spells, magic abilities, getting rid of annoying neighbors, click here.]

Astrology/Divination: [Do your characters use tarot cards, bones, rune stones, stars, tea leaves, etc. How effective is this method of predicting (does it have any limits such as not being able to tell their own future, tell a about a person's death or does it only work on your character)? Does this only work for the future or does it also work for the past and present?]
Controlling Nature: [Can your character talk to nature? If so, do they communicate out loud or in their heads? Do your characters speak to them in their own language or that of the thing they're trying to control? How much of nature can they control/ are there only certain elements (earth, wind, water, fire) of nature they can control? Can they control nature? Ex. They can only control earth elements such as trees and flowers. or Ex. They can only control water elements, such as rainfall and small streams. They cannot, however, control oceans/large waves.]
Exorcism: [What kind of demons are expelled? Who preforms the exorcism? How is the exorcism preformed?]
Healing: [Can your character heal other characters or himself? How can your character heal other characters (their mind, their hands, drawing symbols around the person, casting energy into the other person)? Do they need the aid of other people or objects (necklaces or plants)? To what extent can they heal other characters (small wounds, completely, save them from dying)? Is this only physically or can they mentally heal people as well?]
Meditation: [How much is needed and why is it needed, if at all?]
Necromancy: [Can those who practice magic communicate with the dead? Are the dead only puppets? Do any specific rules apply (ex. they can only be so-and-so many days dead or at such-a-such distance)?]
Summons: [Can your characters summon any particular creatures? If so, what are the disadvantages and limitations of this? What are the advantages?]
Use of poppets (dolls): [Can your character perform Voodoo, bring dolls to life? Does he turn people into dolls?]
User Created Magic: [Are there certain magic smells/potions/etc. that you've created specifically for your characters? Ex. magic!cockrings]

Extra-Sensory Perception

Telepathy: [The ability to read another person's thoughts. Do you play this (yes, no, only when...)? Is it a gift or a curse? Is this power used with another (ex. precognition with telekinesis)?]
Clairvoyance: [The ability to "see" events or objects happening somewhere else. Do you play this (yes, no, only when...)? Is it a gift or a curse? Is this power used with another (ex. precognition with telekinesis)?]
Precognition: [The ability to see the future. Do you play this (yes, no, only when...)? Is it a gift or a curse? Is this power used with another (ex. precognition with telekinesis)?]
Retrocognition: [The ability to see into the distant past. Do you play this (yes, no, only when...)? Is it a gift or a curse? Is this power used with another (ex. precognition with telekinesis)?]
Mediumship: [The ability to channel dead spirits. Do you play this (yes, no, only whe...)? Is it a gift or a curse? Is this power used with another (ex. precognition with telekinesis)?]
Psychometry: [The ability to read information about a person or place by touching a physical object. Do you play this (yes, no, only when...)? Is it a gift or a curse? Is this power used with another (ex. precognition with telekinesis)?]
Telekinesis: [The ability to alter the physical world with mind power alone (such as through moving objects!). Do you play this (yes, no, only when...)? Is it a gift or a curse? Is this power used with another (ex. precognition with telekinesis)?]


[For superpowers/special abilities (ex. super strength, flight, brain snatching, force fields, invisibility, teleportation, morphing), bold the power and then write a small description to the side, including how effective the power is, any advantages and disadvantages, how it affects the user and those around him, and etc.). For a list of powers, check here.

Ex. Death Touch: The ability to kill people/harm them through touch. What can prevent it (gloves, magic)? How often does it happen? Does it have any consequences (such as the one touching being harmed as well or harmed when it doesn't affect the other party)?]


Fluff: [Fluff: A story devoid of angst that takes on the mood of light-hearted romance. Do you play this? To What extent? Ex. While I play fluff, I don't like it to be a constant thing.]
Angst/Wangst: [Wangst: Combination of wank and angst, sometimes spelled as wankst; Ridiculously overblown self-pity. i.e. Louis, the vampire from Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, is the poster child for wangst. Angst: Putting the characters and by extension the readers through deep emotional and possibly physical pain. Both are great for H/C (hurt/comfort). Ex. Yes, I do angst/wangst or Ex. I LOVE angst, but wangst is a bit much, etc.]
PWP: [(Plot, What Plot?/Porn Without Plot) Ex. Yes, but only on occasion. Other times, I would prefer to have a strong plot.]
Humor: [How large of a part does humor play in your RP (this doesn't include parodies)? Ex. I can do without it, but it's nice to have or Ex. It's an essential.]


[For a list of sub-genres you'll need when filling out this section, check here. ]


Plays: [Do you play in a modern setting? Yes/No/Elements of (explain).]
Concepts: [Which themes do you generally like to play out under modern? School (teacher/student, student/student, teacher/principal, all boys' school)? Coming of age? Family/Incest? Rape fantasy? Gang? Business/Corporation?]
Comments: [Any other comments you'd like to add. Is it a setting you've really wanted to play in lately? A setting you rarely play or are willing to play although you're not fond of it? Do you think it would be fun to mix this setting with another? (Ex. Crime Fiction, Horror, and Bangsian Fantasy.)]


[See Magic/Abilities to fill in information about Magic in this and other genres.]

Plays: [Do you play in this setting? Yes/No/Elements of (explain).]
Sub-genres: [If yes, list which sub-genres you play.]
Magic: See Magic/Abilities.
Concepts: [Are there any particular types of quests you enjoy playing out? For objects, people, ideas (PEACE!)? What are your characters usually seeking to do? Are they trying to save themselves (ex. they turn into a demon and need the cure) or humanity (ex. from an evil coffee cup that could destroy the world)?]
Setting: [Are there planets/realms/worlds? At what technology level is your fantasy setting? Is it based on some period in time/history?]
Comments: [Any other comments you'd like to add. Is it a setting you've really wanted to play in lately? A setting you rarely play or are willing to play although you're not fond of it? Do you think it would be fun to mix this setting with another? (Ex. Crime Fiction, Horror, and Bangsian Fantasy.)]


[Do you play twists on fairytales (ex: changing the events or ending of the story, or playing the story in a modern day setting)? Instead of trying to kill the main character, is a not-so-evil warlock is trying to keep one character away from an evil prince?]

Plays: [Do you play in this setting? Yes/No/Elements of (explain).]
Stories: [Fairytale stories you'd be interested in playing and ideas for them. Ex. Modern!Gay!Cinderella]
Comments: [Any other comments you'd like to add. Is it a setting you've really wanted to play in lately? A setting you rarely play or are willing to play although you're not fond of it? Do you think it would be fun to mix this setting with another? (Ex. Crime Fiction, Horror, and Bangsian Fantasy.)]

Science Fiction/Cyberpunk/Utopian Fiction/Dystopian Fiction

Plays: [Do you play in this setting? Yes/No/Elements of (explain).]
Sub-genres: [If yes, list which sub-genres you play.]
Technology Level: [Can they clone humans? How well? It is legal? Do they have time machines? Suicide Booths? How long can people live?]
Other Planets/Solar Systems: [Are there other plants/solar systems? How do they affect this setting? Are they connected (maybe through trade)?]
Aliens: [Do they exist? What do they look like (human, stereotypical fetus-esque alien, three eyes, tentacles)? Are there multiple types of aliens?]
Comments: [Any other comments you'd like to add. Is it a setting you've really wanted to play in lately? A setting you rarely play or are willing to play although you're not fond of it? Do you think it would be fun to mix this setting with another? (Ex. Crime Fiction, Horror, and Bangsian Fantasy.)]

Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic

[Set in a world or civilization after a disaster. The time frame may be immediately after the catastrophe, focusing on the travails or psychology of survivors, or considerably later, often including the theme that the existence of pre-catastrophe civilization has been forgotten or mythologized. Post-apocalyptic stories often take place in an agrarian, non-technological future world, or a world where only scattered elements of technology remain.
There is a considerable degree of blurring between this form of science fiction and that which deals with false utopias or dystopian societies. A work of apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic fiction might also be called a ruined Earth story, or dying Earth if the apocalypse is sufficiently dire.]

Plays: [Do you play in this setting? Yes/No/Elements of (explain).]
Genres: [Do you play Apocalyptic, Post-Apocalyptic, or both?]
Setting: Does your setting take place on earth?
Technology: [What is the technology level of your society?]
Threats: [What do the survivors have to deal with? Mutated animals (rats the size of buildings)? Diseases? Weather issues (the world has been turned into a desert or a second ice age has came about)? Is something about to happen to the earth? Atomic war? Epidemic threatening to wipe out humanity? Astronomic impact? Ecological impact? Cybernetic revolt? The decline and fall of the human race? The fall of space-based civilization? The sun's expansion? Religious and supernatural apocalypse (Eschatological fiction)?]
People: [How have people evolved to deal with this crisis? Have their mutated and/or developed new powers or abilities to survive? Are the survivors closer to each other (forming one large society) or not (gangs)?]
Comments: [Any other comments you'd like to add. Is it a setting you've really wanted to play in lately? A setting you rarely play or are willing to play although you're not fond of it? Do you think it would be fun to mix this setting with another? (Ex. Crime Fiction, Horror, and Bangsian Fantasy.)]


[Fiction in which the story is set among historical events. Stories set during the French Revolution, in Nazi Germany, Ancient Egypt, Dark Ages, etc.]

Plays: [Do you play in this setting? Yes/No/Elements of (explain).]
Accuracy: [Do you play the time period strictly or loosely? Do you mind a few cheeseburgers or something of that nature accidentally slipping in or are you a bit elitist about it?]
Time Periods: [Time periods you think would be interesting to play.]
Comments: [Any other comments you'd like to add. Is it a setting you've really wanted to play in lately? A setting you rarely play or are willing to play although you're not fond of it? Do you think it would be fun to mix this setting with another? (Ex. Crime Fiction, Horror, and Bangsian Fantasy.)]

Alternative History & Alternative Universe/Parallel Universe

Plays: [Do you play in this setting? Yes/No/Elements of (explain).]
Genres: [If yes, list whether you play Alternative History, Alternative Universe, or Parallel Universe.]
Situations: [Any situations that you think might be interesting to play out. For example, a world without electricity or a world in which Alexander the Great hadn't died so early in his life.]
Comments: [Any other comments you'd like to add. Is it a setting you've really wanted to play in lately? A setting you rarely play or are willing to play although you're not fond of it? Do you think it would be fun to mix this setting with another? (Ex. Crime Fiction, Horror, and Bangsian Fantasy.)]

Crime Fiction

[The genre of fiction that deals with crimes, their detection, criminals, and their motives. It is usually distinguished from mainstream fiction and other genres such as science fiction or historical fiction, but boundaries can be, and indeed are, blurred.]

Plays: [Do you play in this setting? Yes/No/Elements of (explain).]
Sub-genres: [If yes, list which sub-genres (check here) you play.]
Comments: [Any other comments you'd like to add. Is it a setting you've really wanted to play in lately? A setting you rarely play or are willing to play although you're not fond of it? Do you think it would be fun to mix this setting with another? (Ex. Crime Fiction, Horror, and Bangsian Fantasy.)]


[These stories, appealing mainly to male readers (not that females don't like them!), feature physical action and violence, often around a quest or military-style mission set in exotic or forbidding locales such as jungles, deserts, or mountains. The conflict typically involves commandos, mercenaries, terrorists, ninjas, smugglers, pirates, and the like. Stories include elements of courage, male bonding, and betrayal, as well as lore on technology, weapons, and other hardware (not that hardware, though it will surely be included).

Surprisingly, many pirate stereotypes are true. Pirates during the Golden Era would often lose limbs in battle. These pirates would be employed as cooks, as they could not be of any use during raids anymore. Bandannas would be worn to keep sweat out of their face. Their clothes, however, would typically be practical and comfortable, meant to be convenient for working on a ship. Sometimes pirates would even keep animals on board, to supply them with fresh food; exotic animals such as parrots and monkeys would be of no use to them, however, though it has been suggested that pirates may have kept exotic animals in order to sell them for high prices. Some pirates also believed that putting pressure on their earlobes (wearing earrings) would prevent them from becoming seasick. Another suggestion for the purpose of a gold earring is that when a pirate would die, the gold on him would provide some kind of funding for a funeral and coffin. Pirates and other mariners would also sometimes be blinded in one eye through the use of a sextant. Eye-patch wearing also becomes convenient for seeing in low light conditions, and pirates of old may have done this to help see below deck.]

Plays: [Do you play in this setting? Yes/No/Elements of (explain).]
Locations: [What locations do you generally like these stories set in? On the ocean? Jungles? Deserts?]
People: [What sort of people are involved? Pirates? Commandos? Ninjas? Vampirates -- vampire pirates?]
Pirates: [What genres do you typically place pirates under? Sea or Space Pirates?]
"Stereotypes": [Which of the following do you use: Brightly colored, mismatched clothes, known as Motley. Eye patches. Wooden peg leg. Hook hand. Golden hoop earring. Bandanna. Parrot on the shoulder, generally squawking "Pieces of eight, Braak!" Mischievous ship's monkey. Tri-cornered hat. Scruffy beard. Cutlass. Scars. Hand-held telescope. Saying, "Arrr," and "Avast, ye maties!" Drinks rum.]
Comments: [Any other comments you'd like to add. Is it a setting you've really wanted to play in lately? A setting you rarely play or are willing to play although you're not fond of it? Do you think it would be fun to mix this setting with another? (Ex. Crime Fiction, Horror, and Bangsian Fantasy.)]


[Aims to evoke some combination of fear, fascination, and revulsion in its readers. This genre, like others, continues to evolve, recently moving away from stories with a religious or supernatural basis to ones making use of medical or psychological ideas.]

Plays: [Do you play in this setting? Yes/No/Elements of (explain).]
Situations: [Ex. Serial killers, cannibalistic goldfish, evil gnomes.]
Comments: [Any other comments you'd like to add. Is it a setting you've really wanted to play in lately? A setting you rarely play or are willing to play although you're not fond of it? Do you think it would be fun to mix this setting with another? (Ex. Crime Fiction, Horror, and Bangsian Fantasy.)]


[Defined primarily by being set in the American West in the second half of the 19th century, and secondarily by featuring heroes who are rugged, individualistic horsemen (cowboys). Other genres, such as romance and horror, have sub-genres that make use of the Western setting.]

Plays: [Do you play in this setting? Yes/No/Elements of (explain).]
Cowboys/Indians: [Are they on friendly terms or not? Are they more stereotypical or true to their actual roots?]
Situations: [Do you like playing with mountain men, train robbing outlaws, settlers, or lawmen?]
Comments: [Any other comments you'd like to add. Is it a setting you've really wanted to play in lately? A setting you rarely play or are willing to play although you're not fond of it? Do you think it would be fun to mix this setting with another? (Ex. Crime Fiction, Horror, and Bangsian Fantasy.)]


[Fiction that is set in an alternate universe and always features elements of action/adventure, this focuses on superheroes and super-villains. While the superhero fights crime around his city or even the world, the villain plots his demise. They are often costumed, have a strong sense of justice, and follow archetypes such as the Speedster or Armed Hero.]

Plays: [Do you play in this setting? Yes/No/Elements of (explain).]
Powers: See Abilities under Magic/Abilities.
Comments: [Any other comments you'd like to add. Is it a setting you've really wanted to play in lately? A setting you rarely play or are willing to play although you're not fond of it? Do you think it would be fun to mix this setting with another? (Ex. Crime Fiction, Horror, and Bangsian Fantasy.)]


[In contemporary usage, parody is a form of satire that imitates another work of art in order to ridicule it. It can also be used to poke affectionate fun at the work in question. Parody exists in all art media, including literature, music, and cinema. Cultural movements (emo) can also be parodied.]

Plays: [Do you play in this setting? Yes/No/Elements of (explain).]
Subjects/Titles: [Things you might be interested in parodying -- be it a subject (WW1) or title (Anne Rice's The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty).]
Comments: [Any other comments you'd like to add. Is it a setting you've really wanted to play in lately? A setting you rarely play or are willing to play although you're not fond of it? Do you think it would be fun to mix this setting with another? (Ex. Crime Fiction, Horror, and Bangsian Fantasy.)]

Getting Kinky With It

The Basics

Mutual Masturbation: [Yes/No.]
Anal: [Yes/No.]
Oral: [Yes/No.]
Rimming: [Yes/No.]


Toys: [Yes/No. Do you enjoy/prefer the use of standard toys (ex. dildos, cockrings, etc.), or non-standard (ex. guns, plastic wrap, hairbrushes, etc.)? Do you have any particular favorites? Any type of toys or items made into makeshift toys (ex. vegetables) you don't want to see used?]
Unusual Locations: [Yes/No. Are there any places you find particularly kinky besides the bed (ex. public, churches, the kitchen table, coffins, elevators, libraries, cars, outdoors, restrooms, shower, up against a wall, etc.)?]
Other: [Ex. Anything related you want to add?]

Fun With Others

Multiple Partners: [Yes/No. Are there any particular situations you like this to occur during (ex. rape, shooting porn, Dionysian festivals)? Any limit to the number of people involved? Do you mind double penetration (two pricks, one opening)? Do you mind the involvement of women?]
Pregnancy: [Do you mind if a character is pregnancy during your RPG or gives birth? Can your guys get knocked up? Do they have to be a certain species to get knocked up? How long does the pregnancy usually last? How does other species giving birth differ from human pregnancy? What happens to the child bearer before, during, and after birth? Does the baby survive pregnancy? What happens to the baby after birth?]
Other: [Ex. Anything related you want to add.]


Tentacles: [None, Penis-shaped, Smooth, Textured, Mechanical, Vines, Octopus/Squid-like, Other (explain).]
Bestiality: [Are you willing to play it with shape-shifters, werewolves (half-man, half-beast), and/or anthros? Do you only play with certain animals (snakes, spiders, unicorns, large cats, and horses are fine, but geese are strictly off-limits)? ]
Human-Animal Roleplay: [This is NOT bestiality, anthros, catboys, and etc. Dressing up and behaving like an animal. Do you generally like this under a master/pet relationship? To what extent? Do you like your character eating and drinking out of food bowls? Being collared? Cages? Discipline and training? What does the collar symbolize in your characters' relationship (is it more like marriage or just a type of humiliation play)? Do you like imitation of animal sounds instead of speaking? Crawling around on all fours? Being fed, or petted, by hand? Are there any certain ways the bottom should be dressed? Is there certain paraphernalia you enjoy using (bridles, bits, tail buttplug/dildo, spurs, riding crops, etc.)?]

Bondage, Kinks, and Fetishes

Roles/Themes: [Master/Servant, Master/Slave, Master/Submissive, Power/Authority]
Likes: [Examples of bondage devices, furniture, tactics, and etc. you particularly like. Ex. Cock gags, Discipline and training, Objectification, Nipple clamps, Chastity Devices, Cages, Straight jackets, Paddles, Stocks, Whips, etc.]
Dislikes: [Examples of bondage devices, furniture, tactics, and etc. you particularly despise. Ex. Cock gags, Discipline and training, Objectification, Nipple clamps, Chastity Devices, Cages, Straight jackets, Paddles, Stocks, Whips, etc.]
Asphyxiation: [Breath play. To what extent (the threat of it, choking and taking small breaks between doing so, choking until the other character passes out)? Hands only or the use of paraphernalia (rope, saran wrap, plastic bags, pillows, cloth, chains, crowbar, your mom, etc)? Is it just your partner, or is someone else choking/smothering?
Cannibalism: [This doesn't have to be permanent (such as having a demon whose arm heals after it's eaten off of). Ex. Yes, but I'd prefer that neither of us are playing the victim(s).]
Necrophilia: [Yes/No. Are zombies an exception? Is the dead person involved in any way responsive? What are the limits on dead people (they have to have just died, they can be rotting but no organs are coming out, etc.?). Ex. Yes, I enjoy seeing my characters getting it on with dead people. However, they must be zombies.]
Others: [Anything else you want to add in just for the hell of it and/or think would be interesting to play. Ex. Food play (coffee fetish?), wands, foot fetishes, duct tape, narcophilia, fisting, etc.]

Body Modification

Piercings/Tattoos: [Yes/No. Do you prefer piercings/tattoos in certain areas? Do you prefer few or many piercings/tattoos? Are there any common places that you absolutely do not want to see piercings/tattoos? Do you like tattoos/piercings for appearance's sake, their erotic nature, a symbol of ownership, or etc.? Would you prefer characters get them outside of sex or during?]

Branding/Scarification: [Yes/No. Do you prefer brandings in certain areas? Where would you prefer the brandings? Do you like brandings for appearance's sake, their erotic nature, a symbol of ownership, or etc.? Would you prefer characters get them outside of sex or during?]
Other: [Any other body modifications you would be interested in? Ex. Devil horns, skin raised by metal bars, wings attached by science, etc.]

Bodily Fluids

Blood Play: [Yes/No? Do you mind if it's by a lover or solely by your character or someone else's? Are you only okay with it if vampires are involved? Do you mind deep cuts? Do you mind if scarring is left behind? Do you have an preference for how much blood is shed?]
Toilet Play: [The use of urine, feces, vomit, and etc. for erotic purposes. Are you okay with them outside of erotic situations? Are their certain situations in which they'd be okay (ex. kissing after someone has thrown up, bathroom control if not in detail, or urine being fine so long as it doesn't go in the mouth)?]
Other: [Do you have a phobia of snot? A fetish for any other body fluids? Brain juice, perhaps?]

Dress-Up/Role Play/Occupational Fetishes

Adored Apparel: [Are there any types of apparel you adore? Ex. Alternative/fetish clothing, Animal accessories (cat ears, cat tail, etc.), Glasses, Gloves, Leather, Suits/Ties, Tight/Skimpy clothing, (Nazi) Uniforms, Etc.]
Disliked Apparel: [Are there any types of apparel you dislike? Ex. Alternative/fetish clothing, Animal accessories (cat ears, cat tail, etc.), Glasses, Gloves, Leather, Suits/Ties, Tight/Skimpy clothing, (Nazi) Uniforms, Etc.]
Cross Dressing: [Do you have or mind characters that wear the opposite sex's clothing, have androgynous features, wear make-up, have mannerisms of the opposite sex, and etc.? Are they willingly doing this or are they made to do it? Do you have or mind male characters dressing in Lolita fashion (little girl's clothing, often including frills, lace, gloves, and saddle shoes)?]
Role-play: [Do you care for roleplaying in the bedroom? Do you particularly like or dislike the use of accents (ex. French), roles (ex. teacher/student), or situations (ex. Prince/Princess and a Damsel/Donzel in Distress), etc.?]
Other: [Anything else you care to add? Have a kink for mechanics and dog catchers? Say it here.]


Dirty talk: [Yes/No? Are there certain off-limit phrases (ex. faggot) or topics (ex. rape)?]
Rough Sex/Dub-Con/Non-con: [Do you mind violent/Rough sex? To what extent? Do you mind rape? If your character is raped, are there certain limitations on who does it (ex. can't be a lover, friend, family member, or authority figure like a teacher)? Would sex with questionable consent be fine? Are there certain limitations if dub-con is okay (ex. serves to bring the characters closer together)?]
Voyeurism: [Yes/No? Do you prefer voyeurism to have characters directly involved (as the voyeur/exhibitionist) or implied (ex. having sex in front of a window?]
Other: [Anything else. Mindfucks? Mind torture? Eating brains?]


[Anything other kinks you feel don't fit into the sections above you'd like to add can go here.]

Current Urges

[Things you've particularly been wanting to play lately -- be it settings, characters, kinks, situations, or etc.]

Parting Words

[Is there anything you feel was not addressed that you'd like to address? Put it here. Death threats welcomed.]
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