(no subject)

Jan 27, 2005 13:55

So yay! I totally hope everyone in the world got a chance to watch the season premier of my show last night.. Ya know, right after Newlyweds.
I didn't know they were going to pull a "to Be ConTiNUeD" on my ShoW cause I totally want them to see what really happened that I really did sound like shit on SNL and I really did lipsync both times and said I used a "backtrack" which is bullshit cause i didn't sing at all! I mean, I was totally having AcID ReFLuX ProblemZ, err, thats what I use as my excuse for EVERYTHING though.
I mean like everytime I ahve to sing live, and everytime I always get boo'ed I always use my AcId REfLuX as an ExCuSE!
it's so great 2! cause people totally believe it and my dumb fans are like "AWWWw PooR AshlEe!"
But like my fanz are so dumb ThaT they doNt ReaLIzE I sounD shitTy Everytime I sing and well, Obviously if you SounD lIkE ShIt everyTime you sing you have no business being in The mUsiC inDUstry anywaYS!
But DaddY loves To PiMP me Out and ThroW me TO The WolveS anyHow. I mean, How Is Daddy Gonna retire If He doesnt Mass Market Me into something im not to make $$ ?

AnyWays WhatEvER!11!!!11!
So The Reason we're doing ANother SeasON like I saiD wuz cause Im GoiNg On TOuR noW anD I'm Having a hard time SellinG all MY shows out, err, even selling out half the TickETz Per SHow!~ and peopLE arent buYIng my ALbum ANymore! It's SO SAD I meaN don't They know WHo I am? Im a punk Rawk with Punk Rawk Music! Can't you TEll? I wear pink GlitterY shirts that say Punk and Rock and ROll band shirts that I am too young to Respect and don'T know Jack Shit about but because I wear shirts like thESe Im Totally PUNK!

But ya'll I'm really tired and daddy is coming over To give ME my braZillian Wax later Cause im gonna go PUt OuT later tonight!

OhH and M Ore PROOF og MY Punk RockIsm Is that i'm goINg to be on VOUGE soon! Yeah the coVER! ISnt that SO Punk RAWk! I mean Being On VOuge Barley DresseEd is SO pUnk!

Ahh I promISe To Update Later Ya'll!
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