(no subject)

Jul 06, 2005 18:43

Omg ya'll! I'm so totally shocked, and mad and glad and all everything else at this moment.
I just found out that daddy "hired" paparazzi to follow me around, take my photos and ask for my autographs to make me look more popular and more in demand than I actually am.
I mean, I totally dig the attention and kinda think it's totally punK rAaK and I deserve all the good stuff I get because I am the bestestest singer in the world and I rule.. but, I mean, It's all "fake" .. not at all like me..!
Bwahahaha! Just joshin! I'm totally fake we know that. Well, some of you are still too young or stupiD to RealIze it so it's all good. you know?
But the bad part thats soooo lyke not punk rawk is the fact that it's been leaking out to the press that daddy and geffen have been payin for the paparazzi and theyre all like "hired" and not followin me cause they want to.. its cause lyke theyre being told to and makin money from it..
What do ya'll think about hired paparazzis?
Lyke I have some photos of me to show you from recently when my new hired paparazzi's took these photos..
Lyke look at me! I'm tryin to act like all surprised and casual about my fake paparazzi taking my photos here.. Did you ever notice my eyes are way uneven? and that it looks like I have something HUGE inserted inbetween my legs, hence a huge GAP there? and what was I THINKING with that outfit?!

more under a FRIENDLY punk rawkish cut!

again my eyes are really really uneven, and I look like a man. It was totally not a good photo.. but Im still hawt and you'd do me in the butt right??!

Here I was totally trying to be like AVRIL.. Yes avril lavigne, cause shes lyke totally engaged now and Im not and thats one more punk rawkish thing shes got that daddy cant buy me and I cant buy myself..

trying to look "cool" here.. I want to act like I dont know my paparazzis arent there and I don't care but I totally do care!

note to self:

red lipstick totally looks like shit on you.
not hardcore at all.
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