Apr 11, 2007 11:35
Am I the only person in the world who thinks that "Guenevere" from Camelot could have incredible potential if staged correctly?
You see, the lyrics are actually incredibly creepy, and it's only the orchestration and style of the singing that makes it sound ridiculous. It you changed the orchestration and had perhaps less solos in it, it would be lovely. But, of course, you'd have to stage it right.
Have Guenevere be brought out immediately before the song, hands bound and wearing a plain white shift sort of thing. Make it look as though she's about to be brought to the stake and then have the chorus members, dressed all in nearly identical black costumes come out and stand in a group at the front of the stage, obliterating our veiw of Guenevere. Have Mordred and Morgan and Nimue among them, but have them wearing the same costumes as everyone else, and don't give them any solos. As they're singing, project sillouettes of the events taking place onto the back wall, but never atually show them (really, Guenevere has excited as the chorus members entered). During the part when the repetitions of "Guenevere" are steadily increasing in pitch, have the chorus members slowly exit, revealing Arthur standing alone on stage.
From that point on, have no one else stand on stage with him until curtain call.