Oct 31, 2005 18:11
So we all went to work dressed in costumes (who the fuck makes costumes manitory for a retail chain during a stupid holiday famous for senseless violence and endless cavities? Stupid fuckwads who are on a shit salary, that's who! Thank God I just put in my two weeks) and I just threw on my old prom dress, tied a lace tablecloth around my neck (half-assed cape) and away I went for work (also known as four hours of hell). I dealt with a bunch of parents buying last-last minute costumes and candy, and about 75% of them were complete assholes. "NO! That candy's on sale!" "Oh, this costume has a stain on it ... I demand you discount it or I'll have to speak to you manager." "I hope your car blows up on the way home." "Fuck this - I'm going to WALMART!!!"
MESSAGE TO SAID PARENTS I ATTENDED TODAY: I hope your children's teeth rot out of their heads, and that your homes get t.p.'d before tonight's festivities are through. Fuck you all, and Happy Halloween!
My only highlight today: I saw my friend Jerry's little sister Rocelle, with her new baby. She's only about a month or so old, and the absolute cutest baby girl I've seen in a while. She looks just like mommy with these great big china blue eyes, and smiled at me when I cooed (or it could have been gas, hard to tell). Absolute cuteness.
Well, that's it for now, and off I go to eat the Halloween candy. Screw the trick-or-treaters. They ruined my Halloween spirit for the year, and there's a bag of Butterfingers with my name on it.
Have fun tonight, and be safe =)