May 17, 2006 10:04
I’m wearing a headband today that at 9:30, a mere 2 hours into my conscious day, is hugging my head in such a fashion that I believe it’s created bruised spots behind each of my ears. I’ve no way, though, to restrain my mop of hair from inhibiting my vision otherwise. At this point I’ve decided I’d rather be donning one of those ponytails that’s pulling just one hair too snug, though. I’d prefer that discomfort to this…
I’ve failed to incorporate a very exciting bit of news into this journal. The news that my Wisconsin friend, Heather, has obtained an internship at Universal/NBC Distribution (HH, correct me on the name if I’m wrong…) in Los Angeles for the summer and so, rather than packing up our digs, Tiny and I are staying put in Studio City so that Heather may inhabit Ben’s vacant room. The timing on this matter could not be better.
Heather and I have an interesting relationship. Interesting in the fact that we didn’t really ‘hang’ in high school but have since kept in touch virtually through emails and this journal (she has one too) and so she’s become one of my strongest links to Wisconsin outside my family.
I’m looking forward to taking her out to all the places I speak about in here. She’ll finally be able to meet Casey, and Tiny, and Trev (maybe!), and Bridge, and Allan, and everyone else dear to me here. None of them, though, are aware this blog of mine exists so she is quite ahead of the curve as far as bonding with them is concerned. She already knows my personal accounts on each.
I’m traveling to Indianapolis next Thursday through Tuesday to go to the Indy 500. R&R has it’s own car in the race and is sponsoring 2 others. I can’t say I’d ever be amped about going to an event of this nature on my own but the things surrounding the actual race sound intriguing. There are parties, and there is shopping, and there is getting out of the city for a weekend. As the day approaches, and I hear more information, I become more and more interested. Like when I heard through the grapevine that our private airplanes might be departing from Clay Lacy’s…