Aspie-Friendly Therapists, SF Bay Area

Mar 12, 2006 08:51

My experience with therapists has so far been that they are worse than useless, regardless of the issue. I've never tried looking for one specializing in gender identity issues, and am actually concerned that the specialty would wind up dominating and reinterpreting the reality. I suspect that part of my problem with therapists is that I don't know how to communicate with neurotypicals about anything emotional, and automatically put on a false "normal" persona in any situation of this kind - thanks to a lot of negative experience with normals who wanted me to display and claim those emotions which they had projected upon me - particularly in matters of gender and sexuality.
If I'm going to try therapy again - and I'm not convinced that this is a good idea - then I need to find a therapist who can communicate is if zie were zirself Aspie - not just read Aspie signals, and remain unoffended by Aspie behavior, but zirself send signals that will let me feel "safe" emotionally. Zie also needs to be comfortable with gender identity issues and outré spirituality (I'm a polytheist, and there's a major spiritual component to my situation.) It would be an added bonus if zie were familiar with the kind of toxic psychic sludge that comes from almost 50 years of having one's neurological traits interpreted in negative moral terms - however that's probably a given, if the person has had significant involvement with Asperger's syndrome, particularly in adults.
I'm in Silicon Valley (San Jose, CA), which ought to be well supplied with services for Asperger's adults, if any place would be. (I'm surely not the only Aspie engineer in the valley ;-)) But they don't seem to advertise themselves in any useful way.
This group looks like one of the better places to ask for references to such a paragon, as it seems that there are _no_ therapists advertising competency or specialty in Asperger's adults, and the gender identity component is almost equally important to me.
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