Blast from the Past - Books Division

Aug 08, 2012 23:37

Sharon Lee rolanni just mentioned an important resolution being put forth at Chicago WorldCon, to wit: that Yngvi is not a louse.

Oh, my, that jarred a few memories loose. I haven't read L. Sprague de Camp and Fletcher Pratt's Harold Shea stories is a looooooooong time, but I remember them fondly. So I hunted around the house, and came up with The Compleat Enchanter (The Incomplete Enchanter and The Castle of Iron in a SF Book Club edition, looking mighty tatty after um, 37 - yipes! - years); the 1978 Phantasia Press edition of Wall of Serpents; and a by-ghu 1950 first edition Gnome Press copy of The Castle of Iron. The Castle of Iron and Wall of Serpents were both signed (to me) by de Camp in 1980, probably at the 6th World Fantasy Con in Baltimore. The Castle of Iron certainly was - it's dated 10/31/80. Wall of Serpents only has the year, though, and if I remember correctly, we had Sprague and Catherine in to speak at the University of Delaware's science fiction club at about that time, so it could have been then...

Anyway, the lot of them have gone on the "to read" pile, which doesn't appear to be getting any smaller...

fantasy, books

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