Weekend Fling

Nov 10, 2006 12:28

I have taken the weekend off to go to Eclecticon and do some visiting.

I left work yesterday and headed straight for New Jersey to for an overnight with fileg and notarysojac. The prime rib from Charlie Brown's and the seven hours of cumulative sleep I'd had since 0530 on Tuesday conspired to knock me out before 2300. I surfaced briefly at 0500, as Tay and Jim were heading off to bed, then rolled over for another two hours. I did get to say goodbye to Jim when he left for work just after 0800 (what a civilized time to leave for work!), and am now just surfing and chilling. I hope I get to see Tay before I take off around noon, but I am planning on stopping back for lunch on Sunday, so it's all good.

Looking forward to E-con. I love being surrounded by so many other media geeks! :-) This is the last year Kathy will be running it, and unless some brave and hardy soul takes up the challenge, it won't be back next year. Bummer. I need regular fixes of non-mundane humanity to keep me happy, and I don't think I can afford to get to MediaWest. Maybe I can work up the cash (and courage - I'm not sure Furry Fandom is me) to hit Anthrocon this year, or (gasp!) even Balticon. I started attending Balticon in 1979, and although I hadn't been for at least 6 years, the last time I went (Balticon 38, 2005, because Lois McMaster Bujold was the GoH), I walked into the consuite to find the same people I'd seen the last time, having, I swear, the exact same discussions. It was both Twilight-Zone-creepy and comforting, to see that no matter what changed in the Real World, fans and cons never would.


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