Stinky Flowers

Sep 03, 2006 21:07

I am a total botany geek.

I am so addicted to plants that it probably classes as a substance abuse problem - I am forever picking up new plants and sneaking them in past my housemate (or trying to beat her home so that she won't see the large parcels prominently labeled "LIVE PLANTS" waiting by the mailbox). I've got all sorts of plants in the house - gesneriads, passiflora, hoyas, clivia, standard "houseplants", cactus and various succulents - but by far my favorite group of plants are the succulent asclepiadaceae - stapelias and their relatives.

Asclepiads have flowers ranging from small and hard-to-see to gigantic and hard-to-miss. Most of the species I grow have flowers in the 1" wide and up range because, let's face it, my up-close vision is not what it used to be since the eye surgery. Because the flowers are so weird, I get photos of them to show to folks who visit and wonder what the heck those plants are. I've just uploaded some of the photos to a new gallery in my scrapbook.


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