Apr 01, 2015 14:40
Here are some things that make me anxious (some more stress, some more discomfort):
- When the guy who sits next to me in History of Germany mumbles to himself and spreads his stuff all out over everywhere
- When I can hear people (usually Amber, once or twice it's been Nick) chewing
- Running into people I know unexpectedly, greeting them briefly, and then afterward wondering if I greeted them for too long/didn't seem polite enough
- Getting B's on assignments I expected to get A's on
- Running into people from my classes in the girls' bathroom
- Using the girls' bathroom (also using the boys' bathroom)
- Becoming extra-aware of my actions (like, today, fiddling with things under the table and trimming my nails) and wondering if I look weird doing it
- When my History of Germany professor laughs off/dismisses things I try to contribute or otherwise makes it seem like it wasn't a very good contribution
- Not knowing what I should be doing/feeling useless at work in the after school program
- The prospect of interacting with Hannah and/or Keuna (but especially Hannah)
- Wondering if I'm not doing a good enough job talking to Mitchie/listening and replying when they vent to me
- Feeling like I should say something in response to something a friend shares and then not saying anything
- When I try to scroll on my tablet and instead it zooms in
- Parking, especially in the school parking lot
- When I'm trying to watch something and it keeps stopping to buffer
- Being told I'm doing something wrong
- Online communication (besides email)
- The uncertainty of when a period will start
- Not having enough opportunity to have space to myself
- Feeling like something is happening with my friends and I'm missing out
There are probably more, but these are the ones that have been on my mind lately I guess
mental health