Okay this really pisses me off.

Jun 30, 2012 03:36


Read that. More specifically read number one. Now try not to be pissed off. I fucking dare you.

I am so sick of this bullshit. I know they are saying people who fake what are actually disorders and seem to be some uncatalogued form of plain bat shit crazy or plain old asshole but.....

What the fuck Internet? You have so much knowledge at your disposal what's stopping you from going to Wikipedia fact checking your subject for five minutes and not getting shit completely fucked ass stupidly WRONG!?

No empathy = mother fucking sociopathy!

Autism = I don't assume I can read everyone else's Goddamn mind!

Fuck NT's delusional "theory of mind" bullshit.

Granted they can get emotional cues much better than me.... then again I avoid looking closely at people, particular their eyes and faces as it creeps me thoroughly out so yeah, you may well be a wee bit better at catching their emotional state than I. That's cool. I'll admit I have this problem. However, if they don't sound angry and don't look angry but it turns out they are completely livid, and hiding it then...YOU HAVE NO IDEA ANY MORE THAN I DO THAT THEY ARE FUCKING ANGRY! SO STOP PRETENDING THAT YOU CAN SMELL, OR "SENSE" THEIR MOOD OR ANY OTHER SUCH BULLSHIT YOU CAN'T!

Argh I am so sick of here the exact same piss poor misinformation time and time again.

WTB people who can look up something for a quarter of a second before they go off about it like they know a damned thing. Also I WTB  mental doctors without their head so far up their asses that they are simply wrong consistently, like "no female autistics" bullshit.

God I hate stupidity.
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