The Jenny McCarthy-supported organization Autism One, which supports a number of pseudoscience treatments and "cures" for autism, is promoting a product called "Miracle Mineral Solution," given either as a drink or as an enema, to cure autism in children. The problem (besides the obvious "cure" aspect)? Miracle Mineral Solution, when used as directed, produces the exact same chemicals found in industrial bleach.
People have died after consuming Miracle Mineral Solution, which is touted as a cure for everything from HIV to cancer to malaria to acne as well as autism. Others have become seriously ill. It was banned in Canada after a man fell ill and almost died after consuming it. A woman died in Vanuatu after drinking it to prevent malaria. However, it is easy to get online, and the proponents simply state that people are not using it "as directed" if they get sick after using it.
Autism One promotes some other "cures" and treatments for autism, including chelation, chemical castration, and fecal transplants.
Link about Autism One, Jenny McCarthy and Miracle Mineral Solution:
You Can't Bleach Autism out of a Child.