Oct 21, 2009 12:27
First, allow me to start what an indispensible resource this forum is for me... since there is absolutely nowhere else I can think of where I can vent these types of frustrations and reasonably expect anyone to understand the effect this crap has on me:
I'm at work right now (I'm a legal assistant in a very small law firm), and I'm proofing/editing a document for one of the Associate attorneys, and I'm forcing myself to take deep breaths and not scream or pull my hair out because the Associate cannot spell, makes consistent formatting errors and repeatedly gets our client's name wrong in the document!
I realize, of course, that it is in fact my job to handle this type of thing... and that my obsessive need to structure and organize is actually valued here. You should see me trying to talk myself down (internally, of course) while working on these documents! I just find it exceedingly difficult to override my natural reactions to things that irritate me, like I'm choking on an obstruction.
It still amazes me that I can see things from a logical perspective, and also from my aspie perspective, and still not be able to thwart my natural reactions to these problems!
aspergers types,
username: a - al,