Oct 21, 2009 06:53
I have decided to personally discontinue the use of the term neurotypical.
Why? Because it promotes within my mind, and our community, the idea that anyone who dose not identify with our types of issues is without issue themselves. Many of the segments of the population who get under my sensitive skin are no more average than myself. The are just as deviant from the ideal social norm as myself but in a different direction. Neurodiversity isn't a black and white concept; however, there is a notable "us versus them" mentality developing out here. The normal people, the average ones, the folks who are closest to the neurological ideal, by and large aren't the individuals who give us grief.
Well, who does? It is those who are exceptional in the population that I have the most problems with. There are the intelligent narcissists, the criminally manipulative, those who are self-loathing to the point of masochism, the oblivious crusaders, and the ceaseless self-promoters... just to name a few. These quirks of personality and/or mental process are not unique to those without Asperger's Syndrome. In fact, many out here, including myself at times in my history, are ostracized from the general population at hand for these same common psychological defects.
In turn we ostracize those who are not like us from our community. It is only natural, because we are all human. This place exists because we outcasts formed our own tribe and it is a beautiful thing. There is nothing wrong with attempting to surround oneself with people one can relate to; however, when perspective is lost and the idea that anyone not like ourselves doesn't have equal right to peaceably go about their passions in life that there is a problem.
It is due to the latter, the concept that everything would be better if WE ran the world or at least if THEY didn't, whomever they may be in any given mind, the idea that our brand name of mental disorder makes us superior or at least gives us the right to shun others for childlike reasons that I *choose* to remove the misnomer neurotypical from my vocabulary. There are many more accurate words available that cite particular actions, stances and choices available that aren't tantamount to defaulting to slurs and stereotypes.
I don't encourage anyone else to discontinue it's use, that is your decision to make and it is a useful term; however, I do ask that next time you use the word you ask yourself what connotations you have attached to it and why you have chosen it. Does it benignly relay "those with a typical neurology", do you mean "those without atypical neurology" or are you using it slanderously like a member of the KKK would use a word like nigger. Frankly, it is because I have seen a dramatic rise in the generic, senseless and at times hateful use of neurotypical over the last year from those who least identify with it that I've chosen to henceforth only utter it with great care and specific intent outside this community and subsequently felt the need to make a public announcement to that effect.
username: f - fi