I've had a decent few days. I had some very early nights earlier this week, and they helped me get back on track. Was this week the week of doing early nights, because
cuddlefairy did it too.
Well, now that the spate of cancelled meetings is over, work is very very busy again. This is good because I was getting bored , but thanks to the joy of not having had one committee meeting for a while, we're going to have a 3 hour meeting instead of the usual 2 hour just to get through all the agenda items. Grrr, it's hard enough concentrating taking the minutes for 2 hours, yet alone 3 hours! And this will make writing them up the next day even harder. Plus I had the joy of someone getting really stressed out on everyone, and decided that a particular item of stationery needed to be ordered outside of my usual weekly order. Sorry, I say, no can do. Monday will be too busy, and Tuesday is 1 day before my usual order day. She still didn't understand.
As I was copying and collating 4 x 10 pages of handouts for all the committee members, and finalising 20 page agendas, I wished for the simplicity of the AICSA AGM Agendas, which are 1 pagers. I shouldn't complain because it keeps me in a job, but... Yay for bureaucracy! Where you can justify a full time position per committee. Well, I've in fact got two committees, but other secretariats in the vic pol have just 1.
I went to my high school 10 yr reunion on Thursday night. In some ways it was better than I expected, in some ways it was worse. I was apprehensive going, doing the Romy and Michelle-esque 'What have I done with my life? I don't fit the profile of the ideal ex-private school girl. I don't have a professional career, I don't have a lawyer husband and beautiful kids, nor do I have my network of school friends' I had to keep reminding myself that I really like my life, and I'm not ashamed of how it's going. There were plenty of people who rocked up who fit the 'profile', but enough who didn't that I wasn't too concerned. So in that respect it was good to catch up with people and see where they all were now.
What was not so good was that people were slipping back into their high school roles. There was the bunch of slutty girls who were getting drunk, and the cool crowd standing around in the centre of the room dominating everything, and all my various friendship circles standing outside. And then I started slipping back into my awkward schoolgirl persona. The type where I felt on the outer, didn't know what to say to anyone, couldn't hold up a conversation, and felt like no one wanted to talk to me. Urgh!!! It was horrible and I wanted to cry because I've moved far far beyond that. I was definitely glad to leave.
Was good to have the end of the week. I'm starting to do a yoga class right after work on Fridays, which I find really helpful in separating the working week from the weekend. It helps me unwind and get rid of the stress. Yay:) Also spent yesterday sitting around, drinking tea, eating soup and hot cross buns, practicing the piano (I'm trying to get good at a couple of very very tricky Debussy pieces), and doing my scrapbook.
In the evening, I headed to
matty_jt's birthday celebrations, heading down to Frankston, kicking off with Dark Zone, followed by dinner, and then we came up with the crazy suggestion of crossing town to my place to watch Scrubs and have a massage parlour. Mmm, massage parlour...
Very chilly night last night. Very chilly indeed. I curled up with my hot water bottle. Unfortunately it leaked during the night and I woke up to a nice wet patch on one side of the bed. Grr! It's an old bottle so it's probably worth replacing.