Jun 13, 2010 20:48
I have surely neglected this thing, but I guess it wasn't really the first thing on my mind. Life has been hectic with my new position at work. I am still working as a mental health therapist, but am also helping coordinate a substance abuse program. It has been busy thus far, but I am happy to be given more responsibility and I am hoping it will allow me to be more assertive now that I'm in charge. In addition, I am also continuing to study (kind of, lol) for my licensure exam. I was eligible May 30th so my hope is to take the exam by mid to the end of July.
Aside from work my personal life has been busy as well. Jon and I are moving to Manchester, CT at the end of this month into a two-bedroom condo. I am excited to have more storage! It also allows me to find get rid of junk I don't use and start fresh. We will be moving in with our friend Adam which will allow us to save because my hope is to buy a home in the next couple years. Renting stinks!