Jan 08, 2011 15:24 just two memes. though one is so long ass that you're sure to get sick of it (the wise ones on my f-list won't read it at all,i guess!)

ughh... am feeling sick today. the fail-proof remedy is ofcourse, listening to music. i mean actually listening - in the stillness of the da., you close your mind to everything else and let the music enfold you inside itself, leaving the pain outside, on the other side of the magical barrier. works everytime! ^_^

anyway, here - two memes.

#1 tagged by timi


001. What is Your Name?

002. How old are you?
Too old D:

003. What is your height?
Too short DD:

Question 4 is missing. i approve. This world would be a better place with less meme questions in it. *grouchy*

005 Do you have any siblings?
No D:

006. What is your eye colour?
boring D:

007. What is your hair colour?
boring-er D:

008. Do you wear glasses or contacts?
Glasses :D I like them! :)

009. Are you right handed or left handed?
Boring right D:

010. Do you have any piercings?
do ears count? I have 4.

011. Do you smoke?
No D: God I is so uncool *heavy sarcasm here, in case you don’t get it*

012. Do you swear?
No D: God I is so uncool *not-so-heavy-half-sarcasm-half-truth*

013. Do you get along with your parents?
Yes. Kinda. We all torture each other a lot, but we can’t do without us. xD

014. Your heritage

015. Your fears
losing the people who are the most important to me in this world (I’m not even bothering to change timi’s reply here)

016. Goal you would like to achieve this year
oh FUCK. Don’t remind me of them, evil meme!

017. Most overused phrase on an instant messenger

018. Best Physical Feature
none. absolutely NONE D:

019. Your bedtime
all the time! D:

020. What time do you arise in the morning?
“arise”. LOL, like I’m some friggin blessed person “arise my child!” you know. So funny!

Umm… as late as possible. D:

021. First thoughts waking up?
FUCK.NO. (not even bothering to change…)

022. Do you shower daily?
 no xD not in the winters, its too cold. I’m a dirty person D:

023. Bright or dark room?

024. Chocolate or vanilla?
chocolate if we’re talking dessert flavours.
Vanilla if we’re talking GACKT flavours.

(You know what I is talking about, right? haven’t you ever tasted a GACKT? Poor you D: )

025. Dogs or cats?)
I think dogs. Just because I have touched dogs.

I’ve never had touched a cat - they’re too regal, too royal, too upper-class, too over-confident. And they ALWAYS look down upon me. So I secretly love them from afar. D:

026. Pepsi or Coke?
yuck! Neither!

027. McDonalds or Burger King?
never seen Burger King.

028. Ant or Dec?
neither. I can’t understand British humour. D:

029. Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea?
Nestea. (not even bothering to change…)

030. Cappuccino or Coffee?
COFFEE COFFEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL (agreed, Timsy girl! :D)

031. Last time you drank alcohol?
teacher’s party. 6 months back I think.

032. Last trip to a mall?
last sunday

033. Last time you ate a box of Oreos?
never. They’re too expensive here. D:

034. Last time you ate sushi?
never D:

035. Been on stage?
O.o er... when... in high school. XD (not bothering to change…)

036. Been dumped?
no (not even bothering to change…)

037. Gone skinny dipping?

038. Stolen Anything?
never *rolls eyes* stealing is lame if its not out of necessity... this is my personal opinion though.

039. Ever laughed for no reason?
there’s always a reason to laugh in life. :D even no reason is a reason. Laughing is good for the soul. :D

040. Ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to do?
ummm... sure… (this is timi’s answer. I dearly want to know what she means by this, xD. As for me - no. D: wow, I’m so borrrring )

041. Been in love?
yes >.<

042. Fired a gun?

043. Any tattoos?

044. Want anymore?

045. Been beaten up?
O.o no... oh wait! Yes! By a boy when we were in class 2 (my age=7) :D I started the fight, if you want to know. He got punished by the teacher later, not me, if you want to know more. :DDD

046. Favorite ice cream?
most. I like. :D

047. Last furry thing you touched?
street dog in front of my cousin’s hostel. :D cute thng.

048. Last thing you've said?
“don’t talk to me my tummy hurts” - to my dad. I was rude. D:

049. Last song you've listened to?
GACKT - mirror unplugged <3333

050. (Who was the last) person you've spoken to on the phone?
office person D: giving me too much work for monday

051. Last movie you watched?
harry potter in the theatre. Baby and me (Korean movie) at home. The latter’s so cute :)

052. Last thing you were doing before this?

Dying with pain. D:

053. Last time you cried?)
None of your business >.<

054. Last song you've sang?
GACKT - mirror unplugged (yeah singing along) :D

055. Last time you looked at the clock?
last night

056. Last food and drink you've had?
coffee, bread, omelette. Ie breakfast

057. Last flavour of gum you've chewed?

058. Last shoes you've worn?
puma sandals

059. Last store you've been in?

060. Favorite planet?

061. Favorite age you've been so far?
O.o … I’m getting oooold D:

062. Favorite season?

063. Favorite number?
GACKT’s mobile number (no I’m not giving it to you. Its private. Go away. xDDD)

064. Favorite TV show?
The Vampire Diaries, Sungkyunkwang Scandal :)

065. Favorite flower?
white ones

066. How much cash do you have on you?
Rs 200

067. What's a word that rhymes with 'door'?
gore D:. Bore D:. Snore D:. Chore D:. Wh-… er, that’s enough. xD

068. What T-Shirt are you wearing?
I don’t wear t-shirts D:

069. What brand of shoes are you wearing?

070. What did your last text message say?
DDD: !!!
“ Dear Customer, Airtel mobile, internet broadband and landline service camp on 9th January in sector 4. Looking forward to your participation. Thanks. “ D:

071. What were you doing at midnight last night?
writing a long ass set of guidelines :D it was fun!

072. What's your current desktop picture?
here you go:

its so pretty :) the colors, the GACKT. Everything’s so perfect. <3

073. What's a word that you say a lot?
you know

you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
rainbow :D like the mixed crayons val-san made for her children’s school thingummmy. So pretty! :)

075. How is the weather right now?
cold. cold. cooooold me hates it. *inserts screaming baby emoticon here* (not even bothering to change…)

076. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
GACKTness (yes I do know I’m weird, ok? So back off! >.<)

077. Are you too shy to ask someone out?
yes D: definitely

078. Can you do a headstand (not using a wall)?
no DD:

079. Who would you like to see right now?
two people. G’s boobies. Sigh…

080. How many pillows do you sleep with?

081. Would you go on a date with someone on MySpace?
I don't use MySpace and I don't think so. (not even bothering to change…)

082. How do you want to die?
dying right now D:

083. What do you want to be when you grow up?

084. What country would you most like to visit?

085. How many CDs do you own?

086. How many things, in your past, do you regret?
D: !!!

087. Do you think you are attractive?
DD: !!!

088. Do you believe in yourself?
oh yeah. :) I really do.

089. Do you want to get married?

0.90. tag 5 people to do this meme :P
 YAYAYAY it’s over!!!
did you get totally irritated while reading it? great!  (the whole thing was a joke, you do get it, right?? D:)

Oh nooo I can’t tag Timi DDD:

So… do it guys, if long-ass is your thing xDDD everyone’s tagged! *feeling affectionate towards everybody*

#2 (kinda) tagged by amaiakuyume


Instructions:  Pick your favorite GACKT song in terms of lyrics, or just one that appeals to you at the moment.  Go to and look up the lyrics.  Fill in the following:

1.  Please post the title of the song and link to the lyrics.

Fragrance -

2.  Do you remember the first time you heard this song?
Kagen no Tsuki concert. I had never heard it before. Imagine the shock of hearing it!

3.  Do you have any special memories associated with this song?

Very very special. I really didn’t know a mere 4 minute long concert could excite such feelings down there, LOL. At the same time, there was this awareness that this was a significant song, over and beyond G’s phenomenal performance of it. and I was right.

4.  Do you see anything in your head when you hear this song?  Colors?  Images?  A story?

An entire fantasy tale about a dancer with special powers. This tale plays out in my head every time I hear this song.

I’ll post it one day if I write it all down. Somehow, it’s so pretty in my head that I know I won’t be able to do justice to it, so I still haven’t really had the inclination to write it down.

5.  What is your favorite section of the lyrics?
"For what purpose could I possibly have been born..."
Yes, it has asked
Unchanging, the moon gazes at me
Even now it will not answer

Beautiful expression of existentialism. I love the fact that the moon doesn’t answer. At the same time, I wish it had an answer.

6.  Tell everyone why they should listen to this song right now.
like all truly great songs, it works simultaneously on the heart, the intellect, the soul and, yes, the body! Hear it to re-live this truly moving experience. :)

7.  (Optional)  Post a recording or video of this song from Youtube.  If there is more than one, it's your pick :)
the Kagen no Tsuki performance remains my all time favourite.

image Click to view

i love the beginning, before the song begins, the anticiption built through the single guitar notes.:)

8.  (Optional)  Tag 3 other people who you want to hear talk about GACKT!

Well, everyone;s already been tagged by amaia, so everyone should do it! I’m interested in knowing everyone’s opinions on their fave GACKT songs.

However, i’ll just put three names here -

adrio_nevralka and
sasaki18. :)

meme addict!, gackt

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