May 10, 2005 19:24
A lot of people know and some people dont. I've denied every bit of it to everyone up till today. I'm a liar. I lie about silly little things as well as the big important things. I lie to people i love. its time to come clean and start from a clean slate. This entry will lose me a lot of friends but i wont lie any more. Anybody who reads this and thinks others should know that im finally coming clean about the lies i've been telling, tell them to read this. Dont tell them about it because you will misquote me, guaranteed.
Here's a list of all the outragous stories i tell, which are true and which are not.
Lie: i trained in judo for 7 years. Truth: i trained under a tai-kwon-do / judo master named ernie rayez for 3 years before it interfered with other activities.
Lie: I'm a registered lethal weapon. That was just a threat made to me once by a man i trained with.
Lie: I dont lie. ever.
Lie: I took professional driving classes. Truth: David tought me the J-turn, George tought me the turn apex, and the fish-tail
heres some true unbelievable stories...
-i was pummeled by a set of 15 ft waves in hawaii. Honestly i didnt see the waves, i only felt them. Mom said they were at least 15 feet high but its likely to be an exaduration.
-i drove over mission campus, up and down stairs in the jeep. That was fun.
-my dad lives in a broken down old house in the woods in the santacruz mountains and its tons of fun.
(edit) All of my off-road stories from Oregon are true. Mowing a race track in the tall grass on a 12-acre lot, driving a 3-wheeler off a 20(ish)ft cliff and dammaging my left leg, all of it true.
I'm sure theres more bullshit i've told. If you have something bugging you that i've told you, ask me about it and il let you know if its fact or fiction and i will be completely honest. I'm through with the lies. If you never want to speak to me again, i understand. That goes for everyone.