(no subject)

Feb 05, 2013 20:27

So I had this interesting discussion with a "very religious" person and I was surprised that we found common ground on the issue of "creationalism" and "evolution". I myself am not religious per se, I guess I am more agnostic, aka backing my odds both ways in case there is a higher power or powers *lol*. Seriously, I do think there are powers or forces, be they God or what have you, but I also strongly believe in evolution. Anyway he and I both agreed that creationalism and evolution are, in our opinions, not necessarily mutually exclusive.

Edit: "Creationalism" is the same as "creationism", just 3 years at Catholic school, where mentioning "creationism" was banned, we found a way around it and the term stuck and became part of my personal vernacular, sorry for any misunderstanding.

Based on this I give you this poll:

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