We all have times when we're not doing too well. Weather you lost your job, your signifigant otherr doesn't want to be a part of your life anymore, a loved one dies, you're diagnosed with an illness, you have to move accross the country, ect ect. These things are really stressful, especially when they all happen within a short period of time. We also have those times when we feel like our lives are just so wonderful and everything is going perfectly for us. You got that promotion, you found the right girl/guy, you went to Cancun, your son/daughter is an A student and you're really proud of them, ect ect. We feel like nothing can stop us and everything is falling right into place. In short, we have good times, and we have bad times.
What was most difficult year of YOUR life? And what was the best year? What made these years so good and so bad?
Mine is excessively long, so I'm not going to put you guys through the torture of reading it, if you want you, though, I'll give you that option.
Click here to see the worst and best years of my life and what made them so bad and so good.
Looking forward to you guys sharing with me!