FAN ART for Torchwood's most Bitchin' Fan Fiction!

May 02, 2009 16:11

You all recall that I am the author of the most bitchin' Torchwood fan fiction ever:

"The Adventure of the Three Gay Unicorns" by Captain Jack Harkness, RAF.

It rocked your small worlds, I know.

Today I received this letter attached to some bitchin' fan art.

Hey, Captain Jack! I had a lot of free time at work today so I used company resources to make
a highly accurate depiction of a scene from your awesome fan fiction. Hope you enjoy it!


Look with your eyes and enjoy:

This is accurate, kids. Ianto's mouth always looks like a sad rainbow when he's stabbed.

I feel so bad for his terrified stick eyebrows.

Don't worry, Ianto! I'd say, as I smoothed them back onto his face. I shot that unicorn dead in the face.

my bitchin' fan fiction

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