Breakout, not Outbreak!

May 03, 2009 21:47

There's no place like home, there's no place like home...

You'll be happy to learn that no one's died of swine flu in Cardiff since Jack locked down the Hub. In fact, as I've been trying to point out to CERTAIN PEOPLE for more than 24 hours, there is not yet a single case of swine flu in the whole of Wales, and only 15 in the entire UK. The closest it has come to Wales is a single case in Paignton, Devonshire, about 130 miles to our south, across the Bristol Channel.

Look, I'm not happy I abandoned my teammates back at the Hub. Not happy and not proud. But the only real danger they're in is the cumulative effect of 5 people with strong, idiosyncratic personalities locked in a relatively small space for days at a time with a vast supply of weapons and drink. Lord knows I was this far from doing real harm to John Hart; it was only the pretense of madness that enabled me to escape before I truly ran mad.

Yes, escape. There, I've said it. Ianto could have taken us all out the secret (not so secret now, I guess) hatch at any time, but no, he's far more concerned with humouring Jack. I would have liked to have taken Gwen out with me and got her home to Rhys, but there wasn't time -- I had to take my opportunity as I found it. Sorry, Gwennie love.

So. Home, thank God. My home, my bath, my kitchen, my bed. Real food! I was hard pressed to know what to do first when I got back here: take a long relaxing and PRIVATE bath, or cook something that didn't come out of a tin? Decisions, decisions...

but of course there was really only one thing I had to do immediately: Throw out my microwave.

bloody torchwood

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