Dec 12, 2011 10:22
had the baby on 12/4/2011! He was born at 8:33 in the morning via C-section. 6 pounds, 5 ounces, 19.5 inches long. We named him Alexander Ehryn ^.^
Jun 03, 2011 19:11
I'm pregnant, the baby is due Dec 9th. I just hit the second trimester which chases off the morning sickness but brings the pain of an ever expanding belly instead. so far so good, the baby was moving and kicking and doing baby things at my last ultrasound. Ok, I think that's all that's new.
Apr 24, 2010 23:37
Hey, look at me updating this thing for the first time in over a year! Go me! So what have I done in the past year? Well, I wrote book number one in the series I've been working on since I was 15...and I got a new job...and uh...yeah...stuff. Full of scotch remember! Ok...I think i'm good for another year now. ^^
Feb 29, 2008 20:52
we bought a house! A nice one I must add...then we both got really sick. I'm still going through it even as I write this...I don't think i've felt quite this bad in a while. anyway, is good!
Jan 20, 2008 21:11
So, having food poisoning for over a week....really really sucks. Just so you know...
Oct 17, 2007 23:15
had a headache going on two days now, wish it would stop. Plus i've had my eyes glued to the 'Black dagger brotherhood" series so that doesn't help. The series is nothing but porn...yet I must read all of them...and wait impatiently for the rest.
Dammit, now i'm stupid!
Jul 10, 2007 22:26
My friend Kristin had her baby. A little girl who weighed in at 6 pounds 11 ounces. She's a tiny little thing with a head full of dark hair...ver very cute!
Welcome to the world Lily Rain Wade! ^.^
Jul 04, 2007 22:19
Back from Niagra fall, All married now.
Hope everyone having a good firework day. I for my part feel like crap...either I cauhgt something from someone at the fair (very possible as children are germ making machines) or it's withdrawl from lack of diet coke/pepsi. Either way, I feel crappy.
Jun 19, 2007 09:22
busy busy busy! We are leaving tomorrow for canada and on saturday I will be getting hitched. For those who aqren't going, i'm sorry you couldn't come and we will miss you! For those who are going, it's gonna be a blast and I will see you there!
Now I have to go meet my future inlaws!
*runs off*