Okay, so... this seemed like fun, and plus, I got one of hers and the rules (See Below) clearly state that people who guess right have to do it in return. So here it goes!
1. Pick 12 of your favorite movies
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You are Demotic, the degenerate wild child of Hieroglyphics. At least, that's what Hieroglyphics used to say. Quicker, nimbler but a definite trouble-maker in the family.
Stolen from Irishmastermind! And Cami, too. (I apologize for the comments by Yours Truly below, it is very late and I am quite ill. Forgive the fevered ravings of a sick woman.)Go to the Wikipedia home page and click random article. That is your band's name
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{quote: Matty} OK I was bored so I decided to come up with my own survey-type thing with questions thought up by MOI. So answer it and be happy. :D Then cut n'paste into your LJs if ya want :) ( Survey action )