i'm losing touch

Jul 25, 2010 19:13

1. Unpopular fandom opinion: I am not fond of Gee Way with that blond hair. And WTF is up with the Hawaiian shirt? Also, I'm glad he's successful and all with The Umbrella Academy, but GIMME THAT NEW ALBUM, GODDAMNIT.

2. why_me_why_not's brain is my favorite place to be. Somehow even though we're not writing fic, we're... writing fic? We've sort of got two Generation Kill-related fic universes going in an email chain, one gen and one decidedly not. It's been my happy place for a few days.

3. Taddy Porter, my new favorite band (for a little while, until Discos GIMME THAT NEW MUSIC). First, because they're named after a beer. And second, because they are trying to be a cross between Led Zeppelin and Bad Company. Third, because the bassist is this tiny redhead who rocks the fuck out when they are on stage.

4. I want someone to tell me the story of Gunny Wynn when 1st Recon redeployed to Iraq, when Bravo Company was assigned with the rest of the battalion to Fallujah, and it's like the invasion all over again, doing things that even Battalion Command isn't happy with, ignoring the plan they'd laid out in favor of an emotional, intemperate response at the behest of JTF and the Commander-in-chief. I want the story of Gunny Wynn in a unit that has no Nate Fick (although he'll allow that Brent Morel isn't a bad platoon commander), no Brad Colbert, no Ray Person, no Poke, no Reporter, no Pappy, but does have Redman and Kocher and Hasser, at least. NOT the story of what happens when Morel, Eddie Wright and Kocher are injured by an IED. But I'd like someone's view of whether it'd be at all different, going with different personnel, as an occupation rather than an invasion. Compared to his experience in Somalia, for example.

5. I am very curious to see what Danger Room and Best Defense have to say about the WikiLeaks release of the Afghanistan War Logs tomorrow. Mostly because the headlines over at The Guardian... are not earthshatteringly unsuspected. Pakistan's ISI has links to the Taliban? SHOCKING. Maybe, though, making Americans (or Britons, or whoever) more aware will make them more participatory in their government, and say something about tax dollars and soldiers (and civilians) being used so wastefully. Maybe? Yeah, doubtful, right?

6. Stark Bunker Sands, you are ridiculously adorkable, and still I can't help but be charmed by you.

music, want, blame tabby, ppl have fought over this for millenia, tabby, dontwannabeanamericanidiot, cradle of civilization, mcr, stark gets his own tag, gk

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