Feb 08, 2009 01:55
So, today did not go as i had wanted or expected, but it went. My first two trades on the Lush Swap community went well. I had gotten the Trich shampoo yesterday (yay) and then today... I got my to pump sized Smitten (OMG Can we say my NEW love... I love the scent, it makes my hands feel nice, lets just see how it handles my one knuckle) and the Coolau something it's the coconut hair conditioner (nummy scent).
I helped my mom's cousin with his NJ e-file thing. If I didn't have all the crap I did, I might consider it, but I have to drop my stuff off to the tax guy. We hung out and all trying to fix some things, but then I ended up napping with the heating pad (Stupid Aunt Flo is visiting and my back is hurting). That was a beautiful thing. (The nap). Then I went down and we tried to eat dinner, but today was terrible food wise as I seemed to nosh my way through most of the day.
Then I got a flipping headache and dealt with some drama. (Blech) I am tired of drama. I am tired of a lot of things, but drama is the big one. At least today I didn't get into it with my mom as I had the last two days.
This week should prove entertaining. I have to see the trainer for the first official time. I am spending $90 a month on 3 training sessions, but they are also writing up what I should be doing when I don't see them AND trying to help me with diet (though if I am PMSing or at actual Aunt Flo time I might kill someone.). The trainer (who annoyed me) was trying to tell me I need like # goals and I kept trying to explain to him. I just want to be healthier just didn't get it. He's all into this nutrition crap and eat only what's on this slip of paper (which had more than I would thing) but I am more into the I like food and I am doing this exercise crap to be able to eat what I like and am just trying to focus reason into it some, but at points if I want to go to the buffet, I'm doing it. Or if I want that piece of cake... you'd best get the tup out of my way. I am gonna eat it. He was a bit nutterbutters and I will explain to him that I am not in some giant results race (or I will slowly kill him). PLUS they tried to get me to this other person today, but I'm all um I have an appt and I want to see the other guy besides... so leave off. We'll see how that goes.
Ahhh... the trainer bit was one of the reasons I got into it with Mom ($ specifically) and the other was my visit to see a relative last night because she wanted to do something else and even though I said I made plans to have coffee, but can move them to a different day if you wanted to do something I was wrong. I should have asked what she wanted THEN mentioned the plans (even though *I* think that is assinine). Truthfully I think SHE is losing her brain from the dental work and pills. (I still maintain I should be the one medicated).
Ah well... I am tired and crampy and going to bed with my heating pad *KISSES IT*
Hope you all are doing better.