Apr 11, 2006 01:00
I've come to the decision that low-carb cooking show hosts are trying to brainwash us into joining their weird and tasteless cult. There's a few shows on the Food Channel that cater to the carb-phobic and the hosts of such shows are disturbingly happy. Despite preaching a healthier diet they are willing to replace basic ingredients for substitutes like 'Thick & Thin' or 'Sweet & Slender'. For cryin' out loud: just give me sugar! Bread won't kill you! I watched one 'chef' cook low-carb fried chicken that ended up looking like used brake pads. Not enticing at all. And anyone that attempts to convince me that pureed cauliflower with potato skins could possibly be an alternative to mashed potatoes needs to be locked away. Bah...they'll probably all outlive me just to spite me. But at least I will have known the true meaning of good food.
In other food news, we've decided to have a dinner party for Annette's birthday. It's in May but I've started thinking about what I should cook.