Apr 25, 2008 17:56
Whee!! Today's the frist day of ROFLcon at MIT. MIT is being flooded by internet celebrities and geeks from all over - the day was opened by a presentation by David Weinberger. Check out the official site: roflcon.org.
Right now I'm watching a panel in 34-101 called "Pwning for the good of mankind". And I have a can of Brawno and an apple labeled with Firefox in my backpack. If you're wondering if MIT has brought out the geek in me, then yes, here is proof that it has.
I really wish I had a camera - some of these costumes are AMAZING. I stood next to the TRON guy this morning; apparently, all the glowing bits on his costume are EL wire, and each part of his costume has its own power source. He has a total of 10 AA batteries on his body at all times, and a 9-volt in his helmet. BALLAH.
Also, Leroy Jenkins walked right past me during the opening presentation, and I had to suppress the urge to yell after him (LEEEEEEERROOOOOOY!) He is not, as I thought from the quality of his voice, a black man; in fact he's a white guy with spiky blonde hair, looks somewhere in his late 20s, maybe early to mid 30s.
Someone just said "squeeze the grapefruit of your minds"; note to self, in addition to the camera I don't have, I need to remember all the awesome quotes that this conglomeration of weirdos is eliciting (don't get me wrong, I say weirdos in the most lovingest way possible :D)
I had to miss the LOLcats panel, but my friend Christina got Cheezburger to autograph her ROFLcon program - I shall stroke it happily and just cross my fingers that I'll run into him later.
Another funny/cool/awesome thing - the demographic of people here at ROFLcon are very obviously pro-Obama. Haha, yeah go the internet!
I'll update more later !!!!