So much to say... so little time

Mar 21, 2005 18:27

Well so much has happened within the last 4 days. On friday my dad was admited to the hospital. The inital thought was that he had a mild stroke. However, when a CT Scan was performed it turned out that it was much more than that. They found two tumors in his brain and one in his left lung. Today he went in again for further tests and yes it turns out to be cancerous. How bad is it? That i'm not yet quite sure of. My mom said its already at a grade III and IV. For those of you who are not familiar with what that means I'll put it in general terms for you... that means its bad. I am waiting until I get home to see how bad it is exactly. My parents and brother have no medical knowledge at all, so I think it's pretty much up to me to figure out how bad it is really and to explain it to them.

I'll be moving home for a short period of time to spend the time my dad may have left with him. So good 'ol Southern California here I come. As the day's go on and the medical treatments are conducted I will keep all of you who care posted on my dad's prognosis. Until then I wish you all happy and healthy lives.
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