
Jan 31, 2005 19:03

So I'm still sick and it sucks ass. When I think I'm getting better it turns out I'm not. So I went to the store yesterday and I decided I needed to get some meds for me to take at night so I can sleep well and not cough the whole dang time. So you see those commercials that specify certain symptoms and you should try this specific medication they have out. Well I went and got some. Robitussin-CF. It's supposed to break up congestion in my chest and nasal area and it is also supposed to suppress my cough. Well its a good decongestant but it didn't do shit for my cough. So I take the meds last night and two hours later I'm still coughing up a lung, so I decide to take another dose. Damn it the shit still wasn't working. I wanted to take some Nyquil and just make it all stop, but I was afraid of mixing my medications. I do need and want to wake up the next morning. So tonight I say fuck the Robitussin and bring on the damn Nyquil.
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