studying for exams; on hiatus.

Jan 25, 2011 10:39

 That's why I haven't continued with the HSJ meme. I'll start it up again after exams.

Anyways, LJ is kind of dead now. :x
People still use it, I know. haha. But idk, many have migrated and only check back once in a blue moon (me). So anyway, if you'd like to be more in contact with me, come follow my tumblrs! (personal, random shiz, etcetc) (fandom stuff, jpop/kpopmostly/cpop)

drop me a comment and i'll follow back :3

Anyway... how've you guys been?
I'm just sitting here...doing math. haha, i can't afford to do bad on this exam. if i get a 90%, THEN i'll get an 82% final. ugh fuck my life, lol. why did i not study during the year? i just like, bombed tests and stuff and my 91 slowly dropped and now its like 79 or 80ish. D:

i'm. always. like. this.

fuck functions, what do i even need functions for, really? pft.
/takes advanced functions and calc next year anyway/

bleh. hope everything's going well for you guys tlist! good luck to all of you that have exams!

BY THE WAY, I need to watch JDRAMAS. I haven't really watched one since.... yamanade.
So i'd appreciate if you guys suggested any good ones for me to watch. jdramas are my favourite. idk i so out of fandom stuff all the time now haha. ;|

/life, /school, /random

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