How to make a asianbritney00
3 parts friendliness
1 part self-sufficiency
5 parts ego
Add to a cocktail shaker and mix vigorously. Add emotion to taste! Do not overindulge!
Personality cocktailFrom Mini Bitch Session cos I don´t have much time...
I´m getting annoyed really easily by my roommate. I´ve never before been forced to live in such cramped quarters. I find myself waking up and being irritated by her...and I know it´s awful. It´s like she can´t do anything right. Ugh...I don´t want to be so bitchy, but it´s like I can´t help it. And the fact that she wants to do everything like we´re joined at the hip frustrates the hell out of me.
It´s old, but read this.
Thursday, July 10, 2003 -- The Mirror (London)
Mike's Truth Is Stronger Than Allies' Fiction
By Brian Reade
It was not just the most brilliant Oscar acceptance speech ever given but the first Great Truth of the 21st Century.
"We live in fictitious times, where we have fictitious election results that elect a fictitious president.
"We live in a time where we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons."
When Michael Moore delivered those words in March he outraged not just the scalpel-riven multi-millionaires in the Los Angeles audience but self-styled patriots on both sides of the Atlantic.
Our Boys are about to go to war, they said, and all this dirty commie bastard can do is abuse the freedoms they are ready to die for.
But their words simply backed up Moore's belief that we were choking in a smog of fabrication. Ask Rob Kelly, whose son Andrew was the youngest soldier killed in Iraq. Back then he believed the fiction was fact. Now he is incandescent over a young life laid down for a lie.
And now that the truth unravels, the smokescreen grows thicker. New fiction is produced to distract attention away from the fiction which killed, and still kills, so many.
Our government invents a row with the BBC to stop us finding out the true extent of their lies. We hear of dodgy dossiers and dubious intelligence aimed at kidding us we could be wiped out in 45 minutes.
Tony Blair shifts around like a cornered thief claiming it wasn't Weapons of Mass Destruction that threatened us after all, but Weapons of Mass Destruction Programmes. Programmes being more abstract, and thus easier to "find".
Meanwhile the poisonous concoction spreads around the world. Washington claims it was fed made-up British intelligence about Iraq obtaining uranium from Niger.
In Iraq Arnold Schwarzenegger, plugging his latest piece of celluloid fantasy, tells US troops that The Terminator is merely an invention but "you guys are the true terminators."
And as they whoop and holler, the families of 5,000 murdered Iraqi citizens still wail and holler over their loved ones, obscenely terminated for fictitious reasons. George Bush flies into Africa to establish a strategic foot-hold in the next great untapped oil-field.
He looks into a building where Alabama-bound slaves were once held in shackles, talks about our collective shame, yet fails to realise he is holding innocent men in shackles in Guantanamo Bay.
The most powerful man on Earth calls on all human beings to solve poverty in Africa, where half the people live on less than a dollar a day, yet fails to acknowledge he has just spent $ 40 billion fighting a war for bogus reasons.
As for Tony Blair, he counts the days when he can slip out of the firing line and head with Cherie to Cliff Richard's Barbados mansion, where this merry band of Christians will no doubt hold hands and thank the Lord for their own world of peace and plenty.
Take a bow, Michael Moore. You were spot-on. And nobody realises that more than we British. How ironic that on the day the Foreign Affairs Committee released its non-findings on the great fictional war, Collins Dictionary declared that the word "bollocks" was now an acceptable part of our language.
It has been for many months, folks. Especially at the highest level.