A Random Survey.

Aug 05, 2006 17:30

RAAANDOM!LAST ....person you talked to?:Ray person you touched?:um...I don't know. thing you touched?:The mouse. creepy guy on the street you saw?:? person you talked to on the phone?:Kelly person you IM'ed?:Ray place you were?:Ohio window you opened on your computer?:iTunes thing you bought at wal*mart?:um...Goldfish crackers I think. time you went to the hospital?:Sometime last year. place you went on vacation?:Ohio home improvment thing you did?:Psh, Nothing time you went to iHop?:Um...I've never been there. time you went bowling?:Like 2 years ago. time you slept in a tent?:Last summer? time you went to an amusement park?:Last month. book you read?:No One Here Gets Out Alive (A Jim Morrison Biography) street sign you saw?:Stop movie you watched?:Clerks 2!!!!!! <3 game you played?:Stepmania holiday that occured?:Um...4th of July? time you went to your neighbors?:Never. time you went to buy fish?:Never. kind of flooring your feet touched?:Carpet Dont fear the random!what cell phone provider do you have?:Sprint...Yuck ever licked a 12 volt battery?:Not recently.... have you won a trophy?:Yes. weirdest thing you did involving a pizza?:Uh.. screamed in a library lately?:Nope. have you ever fled the country?:No...But I'd like to. what kind of shoes do you wear?:Airwalks how is your bedroom decorated?:It's not really.. Just some posters and a really messy floor. do you like socks?:Yes. does your dog drink out of the toilet?:I don't have a dog. Or a pet for that matter. Besides I love cats more. are you addicted to anything?:Um, yes. explain....:No. your thoughts on the green party?:Whatever. does it bother you when ppl pretend they are stupid for attention?:Yes, very much so. do you see ghosts?:No. whats the weather like?:Crappy. do you roll down the windows at stop lights and crank music?:Yes. how much is gas?:Way too much. Like 3 and change I think. (I don't drive) where do you keep your pants?:Um, in my room. do you do weird stuff when ppl aren't around?:Oh my God, YES. explain...:Cheyeah no. ever been to an auction?:No. ever played in a large box?:Yep. played a varsity sport?:Nope. ever pretend you were famous?:Nope. are you in the foamy cult?:Er, no. weirdest thing you ate?:Uh, I don't know. how many states have you been 2?:9 whats your curfew?:Usually 1-ish do you love oompa loompas?:No. do you hate it when ppl call .. and then call again when you dont answer?:Yes...And I NEVER answer the phone. worst thing that happened on vacation?:Trenz closed. :( do you love the price is right?:Yes. ever had an imaginary friend?:Yes, of course. where there days they woudnt play with you?:Sadly, yes. :( how do you feel about freckles?:I don't know. are you married to anyone?:Nope. ever climbed a silo?:Nope. whats the weirdest thing you've done on an elevator?:Uh,... how many times have you been to the movie theatre this week?:Once. would you sit and talk to a stranger about dentures for 20 minutes?:I could. done something illegal?:Psh, yes. worst thing a teacher did to you?:She said I didn't think too much. Damn Mrs. Rock. But haha! It was funny. do you hate it when ppl copy you?:Yes. ever stayed out all night?:Yes. ever hurt someone with food?:No. used a fake id?:No. how many contacts are on your phone?:A few. ever slept outside?:Ugh, Yes ever tried to make a friend jealous?:Probably accidently set something on fire?:Yes, haha! did you get in tons of trouble?:Yep. Next time you should be more careful when you play with matches!Take this survey | Find more surveys
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