Fuck, fuck, fuck, COSPLAY!

Aug 30, 2008 22:42

FYI: I just copied this from ym journal on DA ...cos I am lazy

Just fucking great, I have had a shit of a day today.

This morning went to put in the paper work to get my Australian passport, had the forms, my birth certificate, mum's passport (which has her permanent residence stamp in it), and a few other ID documents.

Everything was fine, until I had to prove my mum is a Permanent Resident of Australia (she is still a British Citizen). So I showed the lady mum's passport - but NO it wasn't good enough, cos it didn't have a date saying that mum was a permanent resident at my birth.

So I go back home, to get the only piece of document mum has of her residency, which also acts as a lieu of a passport. Mum came back to the post office with me, we also took my brother's passport, and a few other stuff.

And believe it or not, nothing was of any use~! Not even mum's immigration paper.

It is rather stupid, cos my brother who is 4-5 years younger than me was able to get his passport a few years back....but of course the rules have changed~!

So...the lady at the post office, phones the Passport Office, they told her (and she told us), that we have to ring the Immigration Office.

Cos apparently I, yes me, has to get a Certificate of Proof of Australian Citizenship~!

I was born in this fucking country, and yet I have to prove that I am a citizen, just because the passport office will not accept my mum's immigration papers~!

Also dumb cos my dad is a citizen, he is Australian. It all says so on my Australian Birth Certificate.

Honestly, I have never felt so insulted before!

So on Monday, I am going to the Immagration Office in Adelaide (mum is coming with me), to BUY this certificate - it is going to cost me AUS$55 just prove I am Australian. Mum is coming with me just in case something happens, like if she needs to get a Certificate that proves she is a Permanent Resident.

My worst fear, is that they won't find her records (mum's that is)...cos that would mean I won't be able to prove I am a Australian citizen, and have no country to belong...but just thinking now, I might be able to get help from the British....maybe.

Jokingly, me and mum where says that it probably would have been easier for me to get a British Passport than a Australian.

Fucking Government....


On a lighter note, I have worked out my cosplays for Armageddon~!

I will be cosplaying as Shikamaru and Itachi, and CGAussie will be cosplaying Choji and Kisame :3
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